10 Medicinal Uses of Banana is aimed at bringing to your perusals the health benefits of bananas and the need to start eating them daily.
Benefits of eating banana for skin
Benefits of banana:
- Help To Fight Against Heart Diseases
- Helps To Moderate Blood Sugar
- Helps To Improve The Nervous System
- Digestion And Weight Loss
- Helps Your Vision
- Maintenance Of Strong And Healthy Bones
- Fights against Cancer
- Good for pregnant women
- Banana is a good source of energy and can be more effective than some energy drinks
- Overcome Depression
Bananas are extremely dietary and nutritious. They provide essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and antioxidants to the body. They are often included in making creams, juice, biscuits, and many others.
Bananas are one of the most common fruit crops in the world today, from the class of plants known as Musa, from South East Asia, which is widely grown across the world.
Bananas are of different species. They vary in size, type, and color. So, you could include it in your diet plan if you’ve not done so.
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The Health Benefits of Bananas include:
1. Help To Fight Against Heart Diseases
This is one of the great health benefits of bananas owing to the presence of antioxidants such as catechins and dopamine in bananas.
It provides protection against free radicals gotten from exposure to smoke, sunlight, fried food, and body lotion, thereby reducing the probability of developing heart diseases.
Also, the presence of potassium aids in keeping the heartbeat efficient and lowers blood pressure.
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2. Helps To Moderate Blood Sugar
This is also one of the great health benefits of bananas owing to the rich in pectin fiber. And, unripe ones contain resistant starch. The duo is very essential and aids in moderating blood sugar levels.
Resistant starches as well as aid in the production of short-chain fatty acids in human guts. Which are essential in keeping the guts healthy.
3. Helps To Improve The Nervous System
Improving the nervous system is one of the health benefits of bananas due to the presence of vitamin B6 in bananas which helps to produce white blood cells and as well enhance their performance.
White blood cells are known as the soldiers of the body. They aid in fighting diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other pathogens in the body. In addition, vitamin B6 as well as aids in protection against type-2 diabetes.
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4. Digestion And Weight Loss
Bananas are extremely high in fiber. The presence of vitamin B6 aids in weight loss. The fact that bananas are filling, helps to curb or reduce the level of food cravings.
Banana as well as aids in the easy breakdown of food and bowel movements. Thereby, debarring gastrointestinal issues. This too is one of the amazing health benefits of bananas to the body.
5. Helps Your Vision
The little content of vitamin A in bananas is of high significance because it aids in sightseeing, improved night vision, and eye protection.
Vitamin A contains compounds that help preserve the eye membrane and aid in preventing permanent blurs of central vision known as macular degeneration. This also is one of the unique health benefits of bananas to the body.
6. Maintenance Of Strong And Healthy Bones
One of the health benefits of bananas is the presence of fructooligosaccharides which enhance the body to absorb calcium easily and faster.
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7. Fights against Cancer
Research has proven that one of the health benefits of bananas is their effectiveness in protecting the body against cancer. Constant eating of 4 to 6 bananas, every 7 days, reduces the probability of having kidney cancer owing to the high level of antioxidants in them.
8. Good for pregnant women
One of the health benefits of bananas is that it helps to fight against gestational diabetes and magnesium and tryptophan help stop insomnia in pregnant women. It makes them have a good night’s rest.
9. Banana is a good source of energy and can be more effective than some energy drinks
The serotonin and dopamine in bananas help to improve oxidant capacity and boost overall strength/capability in the body and this is one of the amazing health benefits of bananas to humans.
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10. Overcome Depression
One of the health benefits of bananas is their helpfulness in overcoming depression owing to their high level of tryptophan.
Tryptophan exceptionally known for its sleep-inducing effect is converted by the body to Serotonin (a mood-elevating brain neurotransmitter).
The presence of magnesium in bananas makes your muscles relax and vitamin B6 helps you sleep well.
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