Raw Materials Research and Development Council

Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) and its functions are listed in this article and we hope you find it informative.

Raw Materials Research and Development Council

RMRDC Mandate

Raw Materials Research and Development Council
Raw Materials Research and Development Council – Photo Source: https://www.pmnewsnigeria.com

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Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) is one of the agencies of the Federal government which operates under the direct monitoring of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology and has been empowered and given the mandate of promoting the development and use of the raw materials of Nigeria.

The Raw Materials Research and Development Council was formed as a result of the RMRDC Act, originally put into law by Decree 39 of 1987 and presently cited as RMRDC Act, CAP R.3 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

The Raw Materials Research and Development Council was created at a point in time when the declining foreign exchange earnings have gotten from petroleum were exhausted to import raw materials and products that were already available untapped or could also be produced competitively in Nigeria. It began operations in Lagos on the 10th of February, 1988.

At the moment, the council works from its corporate Headquarters which is cited in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja with its offices in the thirty-six states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

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As of today, the Raw Materials Research and Development Council is Nigeria’s point of focus when it comes to the development and judicious use of the very many industrial raw materials resources in the country, thus enhancing the formation of new industries that are resource-based which in turn provides new job opportunities and also contribute effectively to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the nation.

The vision of the council is to be an irreplaceable catalyst when it comes to the growth and development of industries in Nigeria and to achieve the vision, they embark on the promotion of the development and judicious utilization of the natural resources in Nigeria for growth.

Functions of Raw Materials Research and Development Council

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Functions of Raw Materials Research and Development Council are as follows:

1. Come up with guidelines of policies and action programs on the acquisition, development, and exploitation of raw materials.

2. From time to time, review the availability and utilization of raw materials with a standard view of advising the Federal Government on the action planned implication of depletion, stockpiling, or conservation of such kinds of resources.

3. Give counsel on the adoption of machinery and processes for the utilization of raw materials.

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4. Encourage the publicity of the findings of the research and other information that are important to the local sourcing of industries.

5. Foster the encouragement of the growth of implant research and the capabilities of development.

6. Give advice on and also devise awards or systems for industries that may attain a major breakthrough or make an invention or innovation.

7. Organize workshops, seminars, and symposia occasionally that is designed and aimed at enlightening the mass on new developments and solutions discovered.

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8. Consider and give counsel on special research grants for specific objectives; and

9. Consider and give counsel on any other matter that is capable of enhancing the objectives of the council.

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