How Do School Counselors Help Students

How Do School Counselors Help Students are explained in this article. Reading will avail you with the necessary information about a School Counsellor.

How Do School Counselors Help Students

How Do School Counselors Help Students
How Do School Counselors Help Students – Photo Source:

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A school counselor is a person who has been trained to oversee a particular school in terms of its counseling needs.

Some schools, both public and private are yet to recognize the importance of the services of the counselor in the school,  this is why there are reported cases of outrageous misconduct in schools today.

The primary responsibility of the school counselor is to help people solve some of their personal problems by thoroughly guiding them into doing what is right.

The school counselor often gets his training in the field of education as well as the University so he can have a balanced career.

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How Do School Counselors Help Students

In the course of his training,  he is often exposed to supervised field training as well as other types of experiences. In the school where he discharges his duty, the Counsellor is mostly interested secondarily in the managerial as well as administrative challenges of the school, and when carrying out his duties,  the school where he works often calls upon him the carry out the following responsibilities;

1. Counseling Individuals

The special contribution of the counselor to the agenda of the school is that of working intensively with individuals. He makes sure that every individual in the school conforms to the standard and policies of the school.

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He understudies individuals in order to work with them such that they will grow fully and get a great benefit from the experience of the school.  The school counselor achieves this by;

a. Helping each person to understand the hidden potentials that they have as well as their strength and weaknesses which can act as either an asset or liability for them.

The counselor also exposes each person to opportunities by providing special assistance to individuals by way of gaining an understanding of their specific ability which are their strengths or weaknesses.

b. Helping students and teachers to develop a winning personal objective and to make and carry out plans for their achievement.

He learns to help people understand more about themselves, identify the roles which they feel will be satisfying to them and beneficial to the society in which they find themselves, develop personal objectives and also make plans towards working effectively to achieve these goals.

c. Helps people to work out possible solutions for their personal, social, educational, and vocational problems.

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2. Assisting teachers

sometimes, the counselor also moves into the class to help out the teacher in cases where the teacher cannot handle or conduct the class, especially in the case of classroom management.

The counselor helps the teacher to secure information about persons who can be of optimal assistance to the class organization.  The counselor helps to gather data that the teacher uses to plan the activities of the class.

He also assists the teacher in the use of tests and appraisal. The counselor equally works with the teachers to provide solutions to problems that may involve individual pupils.

3. Contribute towards the general program of the school because of his interests, training, and experience by providing leadership in the planning and conducting of certain activities participating actively in the school’s curriculum development program; bringing to the attention of the staff of the school, effective mental hygiene techniques and procedures.

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4. The Counsellor also assists the school in working with the community in which it finds itself, especially when the school wants to give back to the community where it finds itself.

5. The Counsellor, when called upon, also carries out some other designated administrative duties for the betterment of the school and the community at large for better productivity.

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