How to Start a Private School in Nigeria: 12 Steps

How to Start a Private School in Nigeria 12 Steps is provided herein. One of the greatest businesses…

How to Start a Private School in Nigeria 12 Steps is provided herein. One of the greatest businesses in Nigeria and even the world at large is the school.

How to Start Up a Private School 

How to Start a Private School in Nigeria
How to Start a Private School in Nigeria – Photo Source:

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If what you are looking for is someone to tell you the truth. This article will do just that.

How to Start a Private School in Nigeria

Here are guides on how to start a Private School in Nigeria:

1. Find a location

A school is a business that requires a large location. A building of not less than six rooms. (We assume you want to run a nursery and primary school) when you get a building that is cross-ventilated and conducive enough to be a classroom, pay for it and paint it with child-friendly colors.

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2. Seek permission from relevant agencies

To operate a school, you need to have an ATO. ATO means Authority to Operate. And this is mostly gotten from the ministry of education. But wait… Before you get to the ministry of education, begin step by step.

3. See the town planning officer in the local government where the school will be located

The responsibility of this person is to approve the building you are using. Most people just get up and start running a school on a building that was intended for residential purposes without changing a thing.

All buildings have their approved plans with the town planning officer. If you are going to use a building whose intention was for residential to run a school, you need to meet the town planning officer, pay the government-regulated fee and change the use of the building. After you pay the stipulated fee, they should give you a letter.

4. See the ministry of environment

They are the ones who will check the facility you are using and the environment to ensure that it is child-friendly. Yes, you may have to pay some money but rest assured that it is better to pay that sum to them because you may think a facility is good enough to use in running a school only to find yourself bearing the result of casualties resulting from the environment.

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5. Register with the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools

Though you may not have so much money to readily and fully register the school, if you are registered with this body, you will be covered and get updated with information regarding private schools. Note that you cannot operate your school alone. You need the partnership of this body.

6. Go to the Ministry of Education and pick a registration form which currently costs 5,500 Naira

Getting the form is very important because in the firm, you’ll see what valid and government-required standards for a private school should be like and it will help you.

7. Register with the Corporate Affairs Commission

Yes, you are running a school, don’t forget that your school must have a name. CAC registers business names to avoid two people using the same names to operate.

8. Employ Teachers

It is better if you don’t intend to settle for unqualified teachers because they will ruin your idea. Get qualified teachers who do not just have academic qualifications but also have a passion for the job. After you employ them, train them for your school by teaching them the ethics you want to uphold in your school.

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9. Your uniform

Make sure it is attractive and child friendly. Your new school will have to steal children from another school. If you can’t do this with your uniform, you’ll begin your school with no pupils at all.

10. Get a scheme of work

We guess you are operating without the ATO and as such, you have not gotten the government scheme of work. Get it from another school as it is vital to running a school.

You should not just teach the children what you like. Follow the government standard. If you are using another scheme like the British or American curriculum, it should just be an attachment to the Nigerian scheme.

11. Advertising your school is one of the guides on How to Start a Private School in Nigeria

Don’t assume that because your school building is attractive people will come. You have to somehow compel them to come and one such way is an advertisement. Advertise your school on whatever medium possible.

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12. Get a fee schedule

Operating a school at first shouldn’t be for the sole purpose of making a profit. If you intend to make a profit at the beginning, you’ll be missing it.

Let your fee be moderate but not below the standard of the environment where you find yourself. Let it be affordable but never cheap.

We hope these help!

  1. Wow,this is a very useful article,though I have started the running of my school now for the past eight years but it has been so challenging that I am almost quitting as the debt rate of parents in the area I have found myself is too high. It frustrate the dreams of doing something great because of the mind set that parents won’t pay,

    If I can reach you one on one I will really appreciate it

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