How to Work and School in Nigeria

How to Work and School in Nigeria
How to Work and School in Nigeria is the focus of this article. It will guide you with…

How to Work and School in Nigeria is the focus of this article. It will guide you with what you need to successfully work and school.

Advantages of working and studying at the same time

How to Work and School in Nigeria
How to Work and School in Nigeria – Photo Source:

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The notion of going to school ministers different things into the ears of many people as they both have to earn a degree and make ends meet at the same time.

Not everyone has the privilege of going to school swiftly; having their parents sponsor their education from start to finish. 50% of Nigerian students are both schooling and working to be able to meet up the school demands.

This is stressful as most courses require more attention. Schooling and working at the same time have great benefits but it is never easy as it may be projected to be, howbeit, schooling and working are very possible.

Many professionals today started that way. It just takes determination and a great deal of resilience to withstand the times when you may want to give up.

In this article, you’ll learn just how to balance work and schooling and yet be productive at both instead of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

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How to Work and School in Nigeria

Here are Guides on How to Work and School in Nigeria:

First, you need to ensure that there is no work during school time and vice versa. If you intend to work and school, you need to make sure that the schedule for both doesn’t crash.

This means that you are to enroll solely in a part-time program which will give you the flexibility of time to do other work-related things.

And if you started schooling initially and are thinking of working too, you should get a job that is flexible enough to fit your school time.

The logic is this, if both your work and school demand your attention at the same time, you may find it rather difficult to meet both. Someone who schools and works needs to put his or her things to easily access them when needed.

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Don’t come back from school and mix up your school’s stuff with work. You should be neat and orderly to create a conducive atmosphere.

Reduce your leisure activities to the most important and beneficial ones. Remember that you don’t have a lot of leisure, use the little you have judiciously.

Avoid people who are specialized in wasting time, and neglect meetings that are not important for vision-driven. Usually, those who work and school at the same time have this mark of decorum, they are well-arranged and speak less.

Make out time for yourself at least once a week. Remember that you’ll have laundry to do, dishes to wash, a house to clean up, and more importantly, time to rest.

You should not overwork yourself so that you don’t find time to rest lest you break down. Should you break down, the vision of schooling in the future might be placed on hold.

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If you work for an employer, let him or her know your schedule so that they do not call you up on an impromptu notice thereby disrupting your schedule.

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