8 Guides on How to Prepare a Good CV

8 Guides on How to Prepare a Good CV  that will land you your dream job. Read it…

8 Guides on How to Prepare a Good CV  that will land you your dream job. Read it and learn how to prepare a good CV in Nigeria.

How to Prepare CV

8 Guides on How to Prepare a Good CV
How to Prepare a Good CV – Photo Source: https://www.flatfeerecruiter.co.uk

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A good CV can be the thin line that separates one from a good job and joblessness. It is important that in writing one’s CV, great care be taken to write it well.

CV is a short form of curriculum vitae. It is a brief account of or summary of a person’s educational and professional history. It is majorly used for job applications.

CVs are of two types. The educational CV lays emphasis on an applicant’s educational history, qualifications, and contributions.

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The educational CV is mostly for those who do not have a work history, professional experience, and skills. The other CV focuses on the professional experience of the applicants.

Here are Tips on How to prepare a good CV in Nigeria

To prepare a good CV in Nigeria, you should adhere to the following guides:

1. Make your CV brief and catchy

A CV is not a biography, so you need to keep it short and straight to the point. Avoid lengthy statements. Make it interesting and not boring to read.

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2. Make your CV well organized

Your CV should be well organized. It should have subheadings. It should be devoid of long paragraphs. You should use bullet points to highlight each item on the list. This makes it easier to read and point out details.

3. Give your CV a good design

Your font size should not be too big or small. You might need to make little variations in an electronic copy and a hard copy. When printing out your CV, use paper of good quality.

4. Prioritize the content of your CV

Start with your professional experience before you delve into your academic attainment. But if you do not have professional experience, go straight to your educational qualifications, especially the recent ones.

Highlight the details that will most likely grant you favor before a potential employer. Remember to add your strengths and weaknesses. In writing your weaknesses, make them sound positive.

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5. Be mindful of your language

Write your CV with incorrect and simple expressions. You can bring in professional terms where necessary. Your CV should be appropriately punctuated and spelling errors ruled out.

6. Be accessible

When writing your CV, make it easy for potential employers to access you. Include your contact details like phone number, email address, etc. in a conspicuous place. Make your email account professional.

7. Detail your work experience appropriately

When writing, put your most recent professional experience first. It is not advisable to put in job details that you did not last long at unless such job holdings are time-bound. Short job history may work against you by portraying you as unreliable or not hardworking.

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8. Do not write irrelevant details

About your hobbies, write only the things that can improve your chance of getting a job or help you do your work well.

Do not write about your family history and pets. If you own a driver’s license and you feel it will be needed for the job, you can include it.

Can you speak a foreign language that will be useful in the job role? Include it. You can also mention the voluntary services you have rendered.

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