How to Start Travel Agency in Nigeria

How to Start Travel Agency in Nigeria will be discussed here. This will guide you in executing your…

How to Start Travel Agency in Nigeria will be discussed here. This will guide you in executing your plan for a travel agency in Nigeria.

How to Start Travel Agency Business

How to Start Travel Agency in Nigeria
How to Start Travel Agency in Nigeria – Photo Source:

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Man is naturally a fun-loving creation. As humans, we regularly undertake tourism trips, to learn about other climes and gain some pleasure in the process. The tourism industry is a fast-growing industry.

Travel is an inseparable aspect of tourism. As a travel agency, your duty is to facilitate travel protocols for tourists and other travelers. Your duty ranges from making visa arrangements, making flight reservations, making accommodation arrangements, and other demands in between.

The travel industry is very lucrative, as long as human beings have not stopped traveling for business or leisure.

People want to travel, yet they do not know how to make certain travel arrangements; they do not know what airlines offer cheaper tickets; what hotel best suits their comfort and finance; or what transport protocol best suits their travel itinerary.

Some do not have the time to do all these. This is where your services come in. Read on to learn what you need to run a travel agency in Nigeria.

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How to Start Travel Agency in Nigeria

Here are Guides on How to Start Travel Agency in Nigeria:

There are two ways of running a travel agency in Nigeria. These are: working as a freelancer or working as a licensed agent of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

a. Starting as an IATA agent

Before you proceed, have it at the back of your mind that becoming an IATA agent is very expensive compared to freelancing.

You need as high as N1.5 million and even more to start. The amount of money will, however, be determined by how large you want to start.

To operate as a licensed associate of the IATA, you have to register your travel agency with the body and obtain accreditation. Following is the list of minimum requirements to meet before you are accredited by IATA in Nigeria:

  1. Be registered with and recognized by CAC
  2. Own an office apartment with at least 4 functional computer systems with good internet and power supply.
  3. Have at least 5 staff members. Out of these, at least 2 should have meaningful working experience in an airline company or another travel agency.

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With these basic conditions met, process your accreditation. Your receipt of the license could also be subject to other conditions.

All this info can be found on the IATA website @ Possession of the IATA license requires that you subscribe to the Global Distribution System, a centralized global system of making flight, accommodation, and other travel arraignments.  You will also be trained on global best practices in the business.

a. Operating as a freelance travel agent

It is much cheaper to run a travel agency as a freelancer as all you need is a functional computer, a constant power supply, fast and reliable internet connectivity, and a printer.

You can operate from anywhere convenient for you. Just make sure you have some connection with an accredited IATA agent who will provide cover and links for your operation.

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Attachment to an agent makes your services legit. It is your partner agent that gives you clearance (albeit backdoor) to make international travel arrangements for online clients. You do not even need a company name.

If you keep learning from experts in the field as well as news from the globe, you are sure to excel and make a mouthwatering income from being a travel agent in Nigeria.

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