Rural Electrification Agency

Functions of Rural Electrification Agency (REA)

Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and its functions are given in this article. We hope you find it helpful and informative.

Rural Electrification Agency

Functions of Rural Electrification Agency

Functions of Rural Electrification Agency (REA)
Functions of Rural Electrification Agency – Photo Source:

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The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) of Nigeria is one of the agencies that implement the Federal government’s mandate to make sure that all developed and underdeveloped places in the country are electrified.

This, however, includes the places that are interior and possibly beyond the eyes of the international communities.

The agency has a primary mandate of providing access to a reliable and stable electricity supply for less populated regions of the country not minding their place of dwelling, their usage of electricity, or what they do for a living.

In such a way that would sponsor a great return on investment by appropriate billing that is economically responsive and supportive of the average rural customer.

No nation can develop without first paying attention to the grassroots, hence the advent of the Rural Electrification Agency in Nigeria.

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The coordination of the rural electrification programs in the country is also one of the mandates of the agency as they serve as an intermediary between the government and those in the interior parts of the country as far as electricity is concerned.

Another part of their mandate is to administer the Rural Electrification Fund (REF) to give support, promote and also provide electricity to rural areas through private and public sector participation.

The Rural Electrification Agency is coordinated centrally. All of their centers around the country do not operate independently of the others, their standard operating procedures are the same except few exceptions from time to time.

The agency is also driven by mass demand for electrical supply and as such, they do everything within its power to ensure that they meet the adequate demand for electricity in rural areas.

They are also sensitive to the market, they seek and strive regularly to instill the use of modern technologies in their day to do activities.

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Functions of Rural Electrification Agency (REA)

Some of the Functions of Rural Electrification Agency (REA) include;

1. Promoting the development, roll-out, and use of stand-alone systems when it comes to electricity within their operational jurisdiction.

2. They help even the hardest customer of electricity to get it as a lack of electricity supply could lead to detrimental loss upon businesses and sometimes, lives.

3. They encourage communities as well as private companies to develop mini-grids because it will help them be stronger and gain access to electricity.

4. They ensure that Grids that are between 100 KW to 1 MW get permits from the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) but grids that have lesser than 100 KW operate without a necessary permit from the regulatory commission.

5. They are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the DisCos are continually pushed to meet the grid extension responsibilities.

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6. They promote electricity distribution in rural communities.

7. They develop, ensure and monitor electricity distribution channels in rural areas to be able to stand in cases of accountability.

8. They foster the speedy manifestation of the Rural Electricity Fund (REF).

9. They also endeavor to carry out any other task assigned to them by relevant agencies.

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