Electrical and Electronics Sectors

Electrical and Electronics sectors are herein discussed and we hope you find the article informative and helpful for your research.

Electronics Industry Analysis

Electrical and Electronics Sectors
Electrical and Electronics Sectors – Photo Source: https://www.time24.com

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The electrical and electronics sector covers a wide variety of products that are used in commerce, industries, and homes.

The importance of this sector in the technological development of the nation cannot be overemphasized. The manufacturers in this industry may be categorized into two which are the electrical and electronic component manufacturers, and the electrical and electronic product manufacturers.

The electrical and electronic component manufacturers utilize basic primary materials like silica, plastics, rubber, and various metals and chemicals to produce secondary raw materials such as resistors, capacitors, insulators, nuts, bolts, wires, and many others.

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These secondary raw materials form the input to the group categorized as electrical and electronic product manufacturers.

Component manufacture is in its infancy in Nigeria. Electrical and electronic product manufacturers depend essentially on imported secondary raw materials.

This sector is subdivided into five sub-sectors by an association popularly called MAN according to the type of product. The product mix of the sub-sectors is as follows;

Electrical Power Sub-sector comprises the generator motors switch gears, control panels circuit breakers feeder pillar insulators, transformers, meters wires, cables, and so on.

Communications and Electronics Sub-sector consist of Radio and Television broadcast transmitting and receiving equipment, broadcast studio equipment, audio-visual equipment, HF and VHF and microwave telecommunication links, digital computers and micro-processors, military communications and control equipment, radar and telemetry systems, etc.

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Electrical Appliances consist of Electrical appliances include goods such as refrigerators, air conditioners, deep freezers, electric cookers, washing machines, electric iron, electric fan, electric clock, burglar alarm, lamps, water heaters, electric shavers, mixers, grinders, blenders, photocopying and scanning machine, vending and gaming machines, electrical toys of all sorts, etc.

The control and instrumentation Sub-sector consists of various measuring instruments such as an ammeter, voltmeter ohmmeter, frequency meter, water meter, signal generator oscilloscope waveform analyzer, process control subsystems such as amplifiers, servo-mechanisms, speed controllers, transducers, medial acoustic and image processors, etc.

Findings have outlined the difficulties facing local manufacturers:

1. Capital limitation

The capital needed by local manufacturers to produce any Electrical and Electronics product requires very large capital. When there is a capital limitation, such a product can not be produced and the raw materials are not reachable as well.

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2. Difficulty in purchasing machinery needed for processing materials locally

Aspect from the capital limitation which is a constraint, another problem confronting local manufacturers is the ability to process materials locally to compete with already manufacturing countries.

3. Technology constraint

In today’s dispensation, a technological advantage in any field is highly valuable. Many developed countries have high technologies that developed countries can not compete with.

When very few people have no technical knowledge of Electrical and Electronics machines and their operations. The establishment of an industry to be maintained and managed by indigenous citizens will be a setback.

4. Weak infrastructural support

Aside from the technological knowledge, Nigeria as a country lacks the infrastructural capacity to maintain Electrical and Electronics even in a long run.

Conclusively, in order to tackle these difficulties, investment in electronics component manufacture and microelectronics technology should be of paramount importance to Nigeria.

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This is because Nigerians need to acquire the technological know-how to promote and stimulate meaningful growth in the electrical and electronic product industries. This will enable them to capture the wide market of the ECOWAS and other African Sub-regions.

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