2 Solutions to Electricity Problem in Nigeria

2 Solutions to Electricity Problem in Nigeria focus of this article. This is a way of proffering Solutions…

2 Solutions to Electricity Problem in Nigeria focus of this article. This is a way of proffering Solutions to Electricity Problem.

Solution to Energy Crisis in Nigeria

Solutions to Electricity Problem in Nigeria
Solutions to Electricity Problem in Nigeria – Photo Source: https://opinion.premiumtimesng.com

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Over the years, the need for electricity has grown in the country. With new technical equipment on the rise, the use of electricity has also increased over the years.

However, for decades now, Nigeria has faced a major electricity shortage or blackout. Rarely do a particular environment have an uninterrupted power supply for up to 48 hours except for the Government reserved areas that are occupied by the elites in the country.

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Unfortunately, this has caused a lot of mayhem in the economy of the country as most businesses cannot thrive without a constant power supply.

This makes such businesses invest their capital more into the purchase and maintenance of alternative power supplies, an amount that would have been invested to strengthen the business.

The Federal government has worked so hard over the years to tackle the electricity menace but all efforts have proven abortive.

Hope and change were expected when the government changed from NEPA to PHCN in a bid to produce about 4000 megawatts of electricity for the country but this also proved abortive.

Subsequently, the electricity company was privatized with the thought that things get better in the hands of the private sector but despite this, Nigeria is not seeing an end to the electricity problem insight.

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Solutions to Electricity Problem in Nigeria

To proffer solutions to Electricity Problem in Nigeria, all that is needed is to produce electricity that is enough for the use of its citizens and this can only be done in two major ways:

1. Proper sensitization

First, for something to be sufficient, waste must be reduced. Nigerians need to be trained and informed that they themselves should try to conserve electricity by putting off electrical appliances that are not in use including bulbs and also using only energy-conserving appliances.

They should also desist from damaging electricity-generating devices installed near them and report anyone who tries to vandalize these things. This is where it begins.

2. Alternate Power Supply

Electricity in the country should be generated from more than one source. Doing this will help reduce the workload on one power generating plant and ensure efficiency in electricity distribution.

Of course just like humans, when one is overworked, over time the person produces results less than his original capability.

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Over the years, a lot of people have been able to install solar panels in their homes and offices, thereby sustaining a stable power supply in their space.

But not everyone is able to do this because of the cost of installing solar panels. Hence, the government should look into renewable energy sources which will further enhance the stable power supply and would be affordable for all.

Most advanced countries use renewable energy sources and those serve them well, thereby reducing the cost of electricity manufacturing and usage.

In conclusion, while we still await the electricity challenges to be solved, the Electricity companies should avoid estimated bills on people.

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People should only pay as they use and the only way this can be done is to make sure that everyone had a prepaid meter on their hikes, this will give everyone a sense of responsibility and will aid every household in judiciously managing the electric current flowing into their homes and at large contribute greatly to power conservation in Nigeria.

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