National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria

Functions of National Human Rights Commission

National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria and its functions are listed in this article. We hope you find it helpful and informative.

National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria

Functions of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria
National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria – Photo Source:

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Established by the National Human rights commission Rights 1995 (as amended) in line with resolution 48/134 of the United Nations General Assembly, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) charges all the states who are members of the commission to create and establish Independent National Institutions to promote, protect and enforce the rights of humans.

The NHRC has become by the constitution, an extra-judicial tool that drives the respect and satisfaction of human rights across the country.

It also promotes avenues to enlighten the general public, research, and discussions that are aimed at raising awareness on issues relating to human rights.

Currently, the National Human Rights Commission is headed by Okechukwu Ojukwu Esq. who is the Executive Secretary as well as the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission.

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The commission has in its administrative structure a total of twelve departments. And they are:

  • Monitoring Department,
  • Human Rights Education and Promotion
  • Civil & Political Rights,
  • Reform Co-ordination & Service Improvement,
  • Corporate Affairs & External Linkages Directorate,
  • Economic Social & Cultural Rights,
  • Human Right Institute,
  • Women, Children & Vulnerable Groups,
  • Legal Services & Enforcement,
  • Directorate of Procurement,
  • Human Resource Management,
  • Planning, Statistics & Documentation.

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Meanwhile, the 12 departments are subdivided into four functional units in the commission and they include:

  • Council Secretariat
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Complaints registry and
  • Internal Audit.

Presently, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has its presence heavily represented in all 36 states of the country including the Federal Capital Territory.

Functions of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

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The Functions of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) include the following:

  1. They promote and protect the rights of humans.
  2. They review and revise the safeguard that is provided by or under any enactment that will aid in the protection of the rights of humans;
  3. They review and revise the factors that are responsible for the inhibition of the delight of the rights of humans.
  4. The commission submits to the Minister any judgment, reference, proposal, or account on any matter that concerns the promotion and protection of human rights.
  5. They make ready reports on the nation’s situation regarding matters that concern human rights, and more specific matters.
  6. They bring to the minister’s notice situations in which violations of human rights are involved and counsel on possible ways such situations can be handled.
  7. They sponsor and make sure that the national legislation is in harmony with the international human rights practices to which Mauritius is a party and also ensure their effective implementation.
  8. The commission encourages ratification or accession to the tools referred to in the immediate function mentioned above and ensures that it is implemented.
  9. They also contribute greatly to the report which is required by Mauritius for submission to the United Nations entities and committees as well as regional institutions in accordance with its treaty, responsibilities, and where applicable, express a thought on the subject matter with due acknowledgment for its independence.
  10. They work hand in hand with the United Nations as well as any other bodies in the United Nations system, regional institutions, and the National institutions of other developed countries that have a specialty in the areas which pertain to the protection and promotion of human rights such as the amnesty international.
  11. They assist also in the organization of programs that will aid in the teaching of and research into the rights of humans and also participate in their execution in places or institutions such as schools, universities, and professional circles.
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