National Biosafety Management Agency

Functions of National Biosafety Management Agency

National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) and its functions are listed in this article and we hope you find it helpful and informative.

National Biosafety Management Agency

Functions of NBMA

Functions of National Biosafety Management Agency
Functions of NBMA – Photo Source:

The National Biosafety Management Agency Act of 2015 led to the establishment of the National Biosafety Management Agency in April 2015 after a Director-General and Chief Executive Officer were appointed.

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The essence of the establishment of the NBMA was the need to provide a supervisory structure to fully ensure the safety of human health and the atmosphere from the possible negative effect of modern technologies and their by-products for the overall benefit of all Nigerians.

This is also geared up by an agreement that Nigeria signed with the United Nations called ‘Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety which insisted that those who signed the agreement were to bring out a law in their own country in order to validate the agreement.

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Currently, there is a bill passed by the agency to the NASS and the essence of the bill is to ensure the promotion of biotechnology development in all the sectors of the economy of the country as well as the promotion of local purchase and advancement of less expensive biotechnology in the country.

Part of what the agency does is to control the activities of the latest biotechnology as well as what it releases into the atmosphere, handling and use of genetically modified organisms that are products of the latest technology in order to avert the negative effect on the environment and human health.

Functions of National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA)

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Some of the Functions of National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA):

1. They see to it that the products of Nigerian biotechnology are of global standard and are exportable.

2. They make sure that all Nigerians have adequate access to as well as benefitting from safe, decent, and lucrative use of products and services that are biotechnologically based.

3. They ensure defensible machinery for enough funding of activities that are related to biotechnology through the help of national and international funding agencies.

4. They establish and keep lucrative collaborative relationships both nationally and internationally between all stakeholders, government as well as interest groups on issues that have to do with the prospects of the biotechnology industry.

5. They ensure the self-reliance of Nigeria when it comes to the development and practical use of products and services that are based on biotechnology.

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6. They create centralized coordination of the advancement of biotechnology in order to prevent unnecessary duplication and excessive wastage and also make sure that the national objectives are attained.

7. They develop mechanisms and activities that are suitable enough to support the birth of biotechnology companies so as to create space for the commercialization of biotechnological products in order to make sure that there is food security, job, and wealth creation, efficient and affordable health care services and safe environment for people to live in.

8. They make sure that biotechnology is lucratively applied to the stewardship of the government such as assurance of quality and high health services, environmental protection and safety as well as food security.

9. They ensure the promotion of sustenance in the application of acceptable as well as lucrative technologies by means of strategic investments in biotech R and D in order to support economic development and innovation.

10. They keep sustainable exploitation of bio-resources for both our agriculture and food not excluding the industrial utilization and health care delivery.

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11. They develop legislation that is appropriate and compatible with international standards in order to ensure biosafety in line with the ethical and social considerations so as to protect intellectual, and industrial property as well as the rights of farmers.

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