Energy Commission of Nigeria

Functions of Energy Commission of Nigeria

Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) and its functions are listed in this article and we hope you find it helpful and informative.

Energy Commission of Nigeria
Energy Commission of Nigeria – Photo Source:

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According to Act No. 62 of 1979 which was later amended by Act No. 32 of 1998 and Act. No. 19 of 1989, the Energy Commission of Nigeria was established with the constitutional directives to strategically plan and coordinate policies across the nation about everything that concerns energy and possibly all its ramifications.

As a result of this directive, The Energy Commission of Nigeria became the highest part of the government that has the authority to carry out complete planning in the energy sector as well as implement policies.

Some other things that the commission has been mandated to do include promoting the divergence of the energy resources by the development and ideal utilization of all and this includes introducing new and substituted sources of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, Nuclear energy, and Biomass Energy.

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The Vision of the Energy Commission of Nigeria is to make sure of adequate, cost-effective, reliable, and sustainable supply of energy for the economic and socio-political development of the nation.

As a result of that vision, they are determined against all odds whether local or international to encourage the development of energy in Nigeria by producing strategic coordination and plans of national policies all around and without bias to the generality of the previous.

Functions of Energy Commission of Nigeria

  1. They lay down guidelines on the use of the different types of energy for specific purposes in a set order.
  2. They give the government either at the Federal level or the state level advice on issues relating to the aspect of Energy as the Government of the Federation or a state may from time to time refer to it.

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  1. The commission also serves as a center for solving any technical problems that relate to the implementation of any of the policies relating to the field of energy.
  2. They carry out, sponsor, or promote training and development of manpower in the Energy sector.
  3. The commission also functions as a where information relating to national policy in the field of energy development of both gathered and disseminated.
  4. The commission also monitors the enactment of the energy sector in the carrying out of governmental policies on energy.
  5. After due consultation with related agencies of government whose duties or roles relate to the energy field development or supply as the commission considers suitable, they prepare intermittent master plans for the balanced and coordinated development of plans in the country and some of the plans include:
  • Recommending for the exploitation of new sources of energy when considered important as well as;
  • Any other recommendations to the government of the country that relates to its functions under this Decree as the commission may consider being in the national interest.
  1. They collate, analyze and publish information that relates to the field of energy from all sources where such information is relevant to the carrying out of their functions under this decree.

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  1. They liaise with all the international agencies that are connected with energy-related matters such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, International Renewable Energy Agency, World Energy Council, and other similar organizations.
  2. They make inquiries and advise either the state or Federal Government of the Federation on the proper funding of the energy sector including research and development, production, and distribution.
  3. They also carry out other activities that they may be called upon by the Government to do.
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