Theories To Consider When Developing Your Occupation

Theories To Consider When Developing Your Occupation are listed and explicated in this article. We hope you find it informative.

Theories To Consider When Developing Your Occupation

Theories To Consider When Developing Your Occupation
Developing Your Occupation – Photo Source:

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Many vocational psychologists have demonstrated a lot of interest in the process by which individuals select their occupations.

Consequently, an array of theories and hypotheses have been put forward to explain the complexities of occupational development. This article will focus on the theories to consider when developing your occupation.

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Theories To Consider When Developing Your Occupation:

1. Self-Theory

This theory emphasizes the relationship between occupational choice and self-concept. Knowing one’s self is important since society will provide one with daily opportunities to play several roles and from such roles over and over again until one is acquitted with the occupation.

This helps to gain more experience and have a clearer picture of who you are. Some scholars classify this theory as making one be self-actualized.

It demands an individual to make a rational choice of occupation by choosing an occupation that fits with his image and abilities.

Thus, the frequent common mobilizes from one job to another which are observable in our world of work in contemporary times are a testimony to the fact that people are either on the move because of a need for something or because the jobs do not permit the implementation of self-concept.

2. Accident Theory

This theory emphasizes factors over which the individual has little control and which invariably influence the individual’s choice of occupation.

Certain questions may be in one’s mind when accident theories are considered such as how did you choose your occupation?

Did you systematically plan for it or were you “lucky” that it came your way? Do you enjoy your present job which you choose by accident or are you considering a change?

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What about you still in school? Have you considered the type of occupation you will like to do when you graduate from school? What is your subject’s combination?

What do you think are your interests, abilities aptitudes, likes, and dislikes? How many types of occupations do you know?

Compare these occupations with “who you are” and see if you can strike a balance, by saying, “if l enter into this occupation I will be the happiest person”.

Try to know much about the occupation because experience has shown that many people do not have sufficient information about occupations and the range of alternative opportunities to make deliberate rational choices.

3. Need Theory

It lays emphasis on the desires and wants which stimulate an individual to prefer one occupation to another. in other words, the theory stresses the fact that, career choice is largely dependent on the physical and emotional needs of an individual.

Every person has needs he may intellectually perceive or only vaguely feel, and occupations a reselected to meet these needs.

In his theory, occupational choice may change if one’s need changes or if one discovers that another occupation is more satisfying.

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According to Roe, needs development is conditioned largely by child-rearing practices. Childhood experience will determine one’s occupational orientation either toward persons or towards data and things.

Roe says that warm homes which generate a loving, protecting environment will produce people who will seek service occupations or person-oriented occupations, while cold homes where rejection and avoidance of the child predominates will produce scientists interested in non-person-related pursuits.

Roe was right in expressing the view that needs development is conditioned largely by child-rearing practices. This is because the way a child is brought up will determine who the child will be “in the future”.

In other words, it will determine whether the child will be an extroverted individual (social, outspoken, easy-going-interested in persons-oriented occupation) or an introverted individual (shy, withdrawn, reserved-interested in non-person related pursuits).

It is also worthy of note that it is the parents in most cases who normally determine the choice of the secondary school to be attended by their children.

This is so because prior to secondary school age, the child depends on the advice and directives of his parents. It should also be noted that the choice of secondary school (e.g. Commercial, Grammar, Science and Technical) determines the school subjects (e.g. Accounts, Short-hand, Typewriting, Bible Knowledge, Literature-in-English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Wood-work, Technical Drawing, etc) that the child will do in the Senior School Certificate Examination.

Equally, the school subjects he sits for in the School Certificate Examination Will determine the course that the child will pursue in the university (e.g. Accountancy, Law, Medicine, Engineering, etc) and finally the line of career the child will be involved in his later life.

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In conclusion, all these points to the fact that parents should be enlightened on the type of post-primary institution they send their wards to since secondary education can be regarded as a foundation stone or springboard upon which the child’s success or failure in life depends.

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