Solutions to Flooding in Nigeria are listed herein. Flooding is one of the challenges of Nigeria and there is a need to discuss the way out.
Flood in Nigeria
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One of the major challenges in Nigeria which are sometimes overlooked is flooding. When there is a flood, lives are lost, properties destroyed, development impossible.
Flooding is most often recorded in African countries due to the fact that they experience much rainfall in the region. Flooding in this context is a situation in which there is an overflow of water such that it covers the land area that is usually dry.
Flooding may also be applied to the inflow of the tide. The issue of flooding is a severe one as it affects the three fundamentals of economic growth which are agriculture (planting of crops and rearing of animals), civil engineering (building houses and other infrastructures), and public health.
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However, floods do not just happen on their own. Water is a natural resource and it is wisdom to know that natural resource has to be controlled in order not to cause unwanted outcome in our environment.
The same is true of a flood. A flood is simply water and water when released on the floor always needs a passage. Everywhere becomes flooded when the passage of water is blocked and no alternative is provided.
How do we manage water so that it doesn’t become a problem that we’ll have to call flood? This is why this article is written.
Below are some ways of controlling floods. The developed Nations have used these, if we put it to practice, it should work for a country like ours.
Solutions to Flooding in Nigeria
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Here are Solutions to Flooding in Nigeria:
1. Refuse should be discarded properly
Like earlier said, when the free flow of water is obstructed, water becomes a flood. In Nigeria, it is common to find people throw the dirt into moving water as a means of disposal.
This may however solve a problem temporarily but in the long run, the vast accumulation of those dirt causes water drainage pipes to get blocked and because water has to move, everywhere becomes flooded.
2. Dirt should be disposed of only in a refuse bin and the Government should enact laws that will penalize defaulters
Dams should be created also to help store up excess water from flooding the city and also, not just creating the dams when it is not raining, the government agency assigned to the dams should do their best to make sure that the dams are dry enough and ready to receive more water in the next wet period because a filled dam is of no use when it rains.
3. More trees should be planted
Nigeria is one of the countries that is currently losing its trees. When there are trees on the land, water dries up faster and easily because trees are known to absorb a lot of water. Rather than reduce the number of water-absorbing agents, more should be added to their team.
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Levees and dykes should be built around rivers to aid obstruct the flow of river water into low lands
Just like a piece of land is fenced, rivers should also be fenced to avoid the heavy outpouring of its content thereby causing damages to lives, agriculture, and infrastructure.
In conclusion, as long as the works exist, rains and rivers will get full. Rain on its own is good but when its water is not channeled properly, it can cause serious havoc.
Over the years, the government has done its part by warning people of potential flooding places, it is important also for the citizens to adhere to the rules guiding the purchase of lands and erecting of structures on it.