14 Importance of Population Census

14 Importance of Population Census are listed and explained in this article. We hope you find it informative and helpful to your research.

Importance of Population Census

Importance of Population Census
Importance of Population Census – Photo Source: https://www.indiatoday.in

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Population census is the headcount of all the persons living within a country at a particular period of time. This means the counting of all the children, boys, girls, men and women including those who are physically disabled in a country within a given period of time. The census of every country is often done every 10 years.

Importance of Population Census includes the following:

1. Population size

Population census helps the government of a country to know the specific number of people living in the country and how the structure of the population is like in view.

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2. Revenue estimates

The population census also aids in the determination of adults that are taxable in order to know the amount of revenue that is expected from that particular sector.

3. Tell the economic needs of the future

The population census also helps the country to look into her future economic needs, e.g. housing and food.

4. Determines the level of unemployment

Population census provides the government with statistics to determine the level of unemployment in the country.

5. Determination of standard of living

Population census also assists in the determination of the standard of living of the people in a county through per capita income.

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6. Formulation of economic policies

The number of people in a country is used to formulate policies of the economy.

7. Number of immigrants

The number of immigrants in a country can be known or estimated when there is adequate population census in the country.

8. Distribution of resources

Population census helps the government in the optimal distribution of the resources of the country in order to ensure that the states that have a high population like Lagos and Kano will get more resources than areas which has a low population.

9. Provision of social amenities

Population census gives the government an idea of the different population in different parts of the country which will in turn aid the government in the adequate provision of social amenities like housing, water, electricity, roads, schools, and hospital which is beneficial to the citizens of the country.

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10. Determination of population density

Population census helps the government to know areas in the country where the population in regards to the area of land is high or low.

11. It shows the level of available manpower

Population census helps to reveal the total number of people who are of workable age and gainfully employed or unemployed.

When the level of manpower is high as a virtue of employment, the economic development of the country is assured.

12. Giving of aids

Population census assists the international agencies and governments in giving help and other assistance to countries that really need it.

13. Investment decisions

Investments are usually done in areas where population is thick and dense. The result of Population census helps greatly in the decisions making of the international investors in regarding where to make investments in the country.

For instance, a lot of international investors are so much interested in setting up a business in countries like Nigeria because of her high population rate.

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14. Allocation of parliamentary seats

In Countries like Nigeria, the number of citizens in a particular area or state greatly determines the number of seats in the senate or parliament allocated to that state. The state with the highest number of citizens often has the highest number of seats.

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