Pharmaceutical Industry and Chemical Sector

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Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Sector

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sectors
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sectors – Photo Source:

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The chemical sector consists of chemical industries involved in chemical elements, minerals, and crude chemicals. These chemicals are basically obtained from coal petroleum and natural gas, dyeing, essential oils, and perfume materials.

Aspect from these major functions other functions or uses of these chemicals are polishing and cleansing preparations, manufactured fertilizers, explosives, pyrotechnic products, plastic materials, regenerated cellulose, artificial resin, and chemical materials.

This is quite surprising that in the chemical and pharmaceutical sector, a greater percentage of the chemical industry in Nigeria is more concerned about packaging, finishing, and marketing operations than manufacturing which should have occupied a greater or proportional percentage.

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Alternatively, the industries where the actual manufacturing takes place are few relative to other operations resulting in the importation of both technology and raw materials.

The pharmaceutical sector on the other hand is basically concerned with pharmacological preparations or products. Many of these products are not locally produced but also imported from other developed and developing countries.

In other to tackle this problem for an uplift in the chemical and Pharmaceutical sector, petrochemical plants were established in various cities.

Kaduna, Ekpan, and Onne on commissioned for further operations. This improvement made some basic chemicals like benzene, ammonia, and urea to be easily reachable and available.

There is also polypropylene and carbon black for end-user markets. With these new products, a lot more opportunities to further manufacture chemicals are open.

Products of this sector are grouped into: agrochemicals, automotive and dry cell batteries, basic chemicals, candles and crayons, cosmetics and toiletries, domestic insecticides, inks, paints, and allied products, pharmaceuticals, safety matches, soaps, and detergents.

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Despite the improvement in the chemical and Pharmaceutical, the greatest problem confronting the chemical industry today is the irritating absence of very small chemical inputs.

Products such as hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, caustic soda, and sodium carbonate, all commonplace chemicals that form the starting points of chemical industries are imported.

The absence of local or indigenous technology in this sector is a great setback. Furthermore, foreign costs of equipment are prohibitive as the scale of operation for which such equipment is designed is more elaborate and often more sophisticated than needed in Nigeria.

Project costs, based on the very weak Naira, are very high and not within the means of many entrepreneurs. Even the existing industries are unable to expand or modernize for reasons of cash squeeze or other economic reasons.

Conclusively, one sector that can serve as an important source of raw materials is the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

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Since the bye products such as soap, and detergents, are mostly used in homes, offices, and other general places. Despite its low input, local manufacturers have made these products such as soap, and detergent available, yet their raw materials are not easily accessible because there are mainly imported and not locally produced.

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