How to Prepare Nigerian Bean Pie

How to Prepare Nigerian Bean Pie is the concern of this article and reading it to the end…

How to Prepare Nigerian Bean Pie is the concern of this article and reading it to the end will avail you with the required knowledge.

How to Make Bean Pie

How to Prepare Nigerian Bean Pie
How to Prepare Nigerian Bean Pie – Photo Source:

Bean pie is an uncommon snack in Nigeria. It is a cousin to meat pie and fish pie, the ones we all know and love to enjoy.

Bean pie is basically a vegetable twist to the usual meat or fish pie, i.e., instead of using a fish mash base or meat base to fill in the pie, one uses bean salad. Vegetarians should give this a trial.

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To make bean pie, the following ingredients are needed

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For the dough:

  • Flour

  • Butter or baking fat

  • Yeast (or baking powder if baking)

  • Salt

  • Sugar

  • For the filling

  • Nut Meg

  • Garlic powder (optional)

  • Ginger powder

  • Egg (that is if you are baking)

  • Warm water

  • Oil for frying

  • Butter

  • Beans

  • Small onion

  • Crayfish

  • Tomato

  • Pepper

  • Salt and seasoning

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How to Prepare Nigerian Bean Pie

Here are Guides on How to Prepare Nigerian Bean Pie:

  1. Mix your yeast in a small bowl of warm water and leave it to froth
  2. Pour your sifted multi-purpose flour into a large bowl.
  3. Add sugar, salt, and other optional dry ingredients based on your preference. Use very little sugar.
  4. Add melted butter to the flour mix. Mix it thoroughly until the dough is consistent.
  5. Pour the frothed yeast solution into the flour mix.
  6. Mix it till the dough becomes thick and stretchy.
  7. Cover the dough and leave it in a warm place for some time.

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How to make or prepare the filling for bean pie

  1. Boil beans until soft enough to be easily mashed with a spoon. You can do this while preparing the dough.
  2. Chop your pepper, tomato, and onions.
  3. Blend your garlic and ginger
  4. Blend the crayfish.
  5. Heat your butter or margarine on fire.
  6. Pour in your chopped pepper and tomato. Stir the content of the pan.
  7. Add your crayfish and another seasoning. Add your ginger and garlic.
  8. Let the mix cook for a short while. Make sure the pan simmers on low heat.
  9. Add your beans to the mix on fire. Stir and mash the beans until everything in the saucepan blends together.
  10. Taste to confirm that the seasoning is enough.
  11. Remove the saucepan from the fire.

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Go back to the dough

  1. Bring out the dough and roll it on a clean rolling board with a clean rolling pin. Sprinkle a little amount of flour on the board to stop the dough from sticking to the board.
  2. Using a meat pie cutter or the cover of a small pot, cut out round shapes from the dough. Remove excess dough that cannot give you the desired shape and size.
  3. Scoop up some filling onto one part of each round-shaped dough. Make sure the filling is not too much so that you can close it up neatly.
  4. Gently lift the empty or free part to cover up the filled part. Use a fork to blend the edges neatly.
  5. If you want to fry your pie, set up a pan of oil on fire. Fry the pies on medium heat and gently turn the pies at intervals to obtain consistent frying. Remove the pies when they turn golden brown.
  6. If you are baking your pies, grease your baking pan with butter and gently place your pies in. rub some whisked egg on each pie and bake them in a preheated oven.

Serve your bean pie hot.

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