12 Health Benefits of Finger Millet 

12 Health Benefits of Finger Millet are listed and explained in this article. Finger Millet is popularly known as TAMBA in Hausa language.

Finger millet nutritional benefits

Nutritive value of finger millet

12 Health Benefits of Finger Millet 
Health Benefits of Finger Millet – Photo Source: https://food.ndtv.com

Popularly known as ‘Tamba’ in the Northern region of Nigeria, Finger millet is a kind of staple gram that is grown in over 25 Asian and African countries. Out of the many countries of the world that produce it, China, India, Uganda, and Nepal happen to be the leading producers.

Finger millet is a tiny grain and deep red. It is a grain that is very nutritious and it has very important nutrients such as protein, fiber, calcium, iron, etc.

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It is free from gluten and has a very low fat level. Amongst the millets in the world, Finger Millet happens to be one of the healthiest because of the various characteristics it has.

In this article, we are going to look at some of the Health Benefits of Finger millet.

1. Helps in Weight Reduction

One very important thing that Finger millet does is that it helps in the drastic reduction of a person’s weight so, if weight loss is what you are looking out for, you should consume finger millet because this grain contains a very high amount of tryptophan and fiber and it has been well researched that these two helps to reduce the number pangs that a person may have.

2. Helps protect against Cancer

One of the challenges people face in our world today is cancer. Finger millet contains tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids and these have made the grain food that can be eaten to prevent cancer.

According to research that has been carried out, the people who consume this grain have been found not to have cancer when compared to those who do not.

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3. Fights and Controls Diabetes

When a person forms the habit of eating finger millet regularly, the risk of having diabetes will drastically reduce because the grain has a higher level of polyphenol and fiber content than maize and wheat.

What the fiber content does is that it slows down the level of digestion and as such, keeps the blood sugar level down. These characteristics automatically make finger millet a good snack.

4. Good for anti-aging

Everyone wants to look very young no matter their age. As long as you eat this millet regularly, you will have very smooth skin and you will look very young as a result of the amino acids that are present in the finger millet.

The amino acids form collagen and the collagen in turn helps to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

5. Good for bone strength

One of the millets that have been proven to be a rich source of calcium is Finger Millet. The millet also has Vita! I’m D I’m itself and this makes it a very good source of strength for bones. It is advised that everyone, regardless of their age should eat one of the finer millets, especially the very young and old.

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6. Reduce Cholesterol

Finger millet has cholesterol-reducing properties which make it an ideal food for a healthy heart and circulatory system.

FInger mIllet contains three ammo aCIds IeCIthIn, methIonIne, and threonIne which protect against the formation of plaque within blood vessels and deposition of excess fat In the liver. thereby protecting against hypertension, stroke, and other circulatory problems.

7. Help LactatIon

Besides the direct benefits to the consumer, fInger mIllet benefits a nursing Infant through the mother’s Improved breast milk production. The Vitamins, ammo acids minerals present In the gran benefit both the mother and her baby. @ 5 AId In RelaxatIon.

Antioxidants In finger millet such as tryptophan help to Induce relaxation by eliminating free radicals in the bloodstream. Other finger millet health benefits include relief from stress-related problems such as sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, headaches, and migraines.

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8. Help Digestion

HIgh fIber content In fInger mIllet aIds digestion and movement of food through the digestive system ThIs way, It cleanses the body and protects against constipation and other digestive problems.

9. Treat Anemia

Finger millet sprouts do not readily absorb iron which helps In blood formation and treatment of anemia. Vitamin C present In the sprouts helps In iron absorption. Regular helpings of meals containing the sprouts WI” help you access more finger millet health benefits so you can cut down on animal Iron supplements.

10 Have Anti-Microbial Properties

Besides the obvious benefits, finger millet has been found to have antibacterial properties Tests have shown that It acts against several bacteria salmonella spp causes a fever Similar to typhoid, bacillus cereus that IS associated with food poisoning, and staphylococcus aureus responsible for many soft tissue and skin diseases Including cellulitis, abscesses, and furuncles.

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11. Revert Skin Aging

12. Lower the Risk of Gallstones

Fiber In finger millets helps protect against the formation of gallstones by speeding the elimination of waste from the digestive system Studies have shown that regular consumers of foods I’ICh insoluble and Insoluble fiber have a 13 percent less risk of getting gallstones than those who don’t.

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