5 Principles of Antenatal Care

5 Principles of Antenatal Care are listed and explicated in this article, and we do hope that you find it both informative and instructive.

Principles of Antenatal Care

5 Principles of Antenatal Care
Principles of Antenatal Care – Photo Source: https://speciality.medicaldialogues.in

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Antenatal care or pre-order natal care is the care given to pregnant women before the birth of the child. This is important to know that regular attendance at an antenatal clinic enables the expectant mother to reach the peak of fitness at the time of labor.

5 Principles of Antenatal Care

Thus, a pregnant woman should take good care of herself and also attend the ante-natal clinic regularly. The following are the guidelines for ante-natal care during pregnancy:

1. Antenatal Care Clinic

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The pregnant woman should attend the ante-natal clinic regularly. At the clinic, she will be thoroughly examined by a qualified midwife or doctor.

Examinations carried out at the antenatal clinic include urine and blood test, blood pressure and weight checks, an abdominal examination, and pelvic assessment. The pregnant woman is also given the necessary advice on how to care for herself, with regards to feeding and rest.

Furthermore, the series of examinations help to expose any complications that the expectant mother might experience.

She is given any medical treatment that she may require. She is also advised on how to take proper care of herself and the unborn baby.

The unborn baby is also taken care of through regular checks of its position and heartbeats. The pregnant woman even gets to develop a good attitude towards labor by learning about her unborn child through adequate training on what to expect and actions to carry out, especially when she is in labor.

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2. Feeling

The pregnant woman should be selective in her choice of food. She should provide the nutrients necessary for the growth of her child, as well as for her own needs.

The pregnant woman needs extra nutrients in addition to the balanced diet she requires as an adult. This is because she had to provide for the nutritional needs of the developing child.

A pregnant woman should eat well-balanced meals in order to produce a healthy normal baby. Where the diet of a pregnant woman is inadequate, the child will develop at the expense of the mother. A pregnant woman requires dietary advice to eat foods containing mostly protein, energy, mineral, and vitamins.

3. Clothing

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The pregnant woman should wear clothes that are comfortable and in which she is most attractive. Gowns that hang from the shoulders are often comfortable.

She needs a large-sized and well-fitting brassiere because of the enlargement of her breasts. She should wear comfortable low-heeled shoes.

4. Bathing

The pregnant woman must maintain good personal hygiene. She must take her bath regularly and, where possible, twice daily.

5. Care of Breast

Good care of the breast during pregnancy is important for successful breastfeeding. The nipples should be drawn out gently for about two to three minutes a day. The expectant mother should always wash her nipples and rub Vaseline on the nipples especially when they are dry.

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In Conclusion, pregnancy is not a disease rather, it is a normal event. Exercise should be encouraged and strenuous activity should be avoided.

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