7 Functions of National Information Technology Development Agency

7 Functions of National Information Technology Development Agency is aimed at outlining the strides and functions of NITDA.…

7 Functions of National Information Technology Development Agency is aimed at outlining the strides and functions of NITDA.

Functions of NITDA

7 Functions of National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)
National Information Technology Development Agency – Photo Source: http://www.itnewsnigeria.com.ng

History of National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)

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The National Information Technology Development Agency is a public service agency of the federal government of Nigeria established by NITDA Act 2007 as the major ICT policy implementing and enforcement arm of the Federal Ministry of Communication in Nigeria.

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Functions of the National Information Technology Development Agency

The National information technology development agency is a federal agency saddled with the task of overseeing the activities of IT service providers.

Some of the functions of this agency include:

1. The National Information Technology development agency helps to promote easy access to public information, paving way for inclusion and transparency in government.

2. Supervision of IT practices across Nigeria

The National Information Technology Development agency performs this task through its mandate stated in section 6 of its Enabling Act.

This is to ensure compliance with laid down codes of practice in the IT industry.

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3. The creation of an enabling environment, and ensuring the private sector and foreign direct investment is yet another important task of the National Information Technology Development Agency. It achieves this through its good policies aimed at giving a smooth sail to IT practices in Nigeria.

4. Proposal of legislation for development and regulations of the IT sector

Being the agency saddled with the task of ensuring safe practices in the IT industry, the National Information Technology Development Agency looks into lawmaking aimed at developing and bringing innovations to the sector.

5. The National Information Technology Development Agency also enhances national security and law enforcement, all in a bid to make sure that there’s high-quality service delivery in the IT industry.

6. National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) also performs the task of implementing policies and guidelines for the smooth running of ICT in Nigeria.

7. The National Information Technology Development Agency also enforces compliance by IT service providers with the Regulatory Framework for Providers of Public Internet Access Services; this is to ensure consumer protection and enhance quality service delivery too.

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The National Information Technology Development Agency strives to achieve most of its goals and functions through strides such as the organization of workshops aimed at equipping its manpower towards quality service delivery and some public enlightenment programs so as to inform numerous consumers too.

Over the years, the National Information Technology Development Agency has gone a long way toward making the IT industry ever work and flourish.

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