Drinks Sub-Sector – Beer, Soft Drink, Wines and Spirits

Drinks Sub-Sector – Beer, Soft Drink, Wines and Spirits are discussed herein. We hope you find the article helpful and informative.

Assorted Drinks Sector 

Beer, Soft Drink, Wines, and Spirits Sub-Sector
Beer, Soft Drink, Wines, and Spirits Sub-Sector – Photo Source: https://sites.google.com

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Beer is defined as an alcoholic beverage made by the brewing and fermentation of cereals usually malted barley to which have been added varying degrees of adjuncts such as granulated sugar, maize, sorghum, and rice grits.

Also, there are many-carbonated soft drink bottling companies in Nigeria. Most of the raw materials are imported so there are finding it extremely difficult to operate under a ban on importation and the same is applicable to the production of spirits.

1. Beer

The beer sub-sectorial group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) represents a vital industry in the national economy.

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There are about 35 breweries with a total installed capacity of 18.8 million hectolitres. The beer sub-sectorial group employs about 44,000 people directly in the managerial, administrative, scientific, technical, and labor categories with an additional estimated 800,000 people earning their living indirectly from this sub-sector.

Its member industries produce larger beers, stouts, Shandy, and non-alcoholic drinks such as malt drinks and soda water. These products attract substantial excise duties from the government.

In Nigeria, beer drinking is popular in the country because the estimated per capita consumption in the twenty century is about 10 to 22 liters compared with 135 liters per capita for Belgium, 50 liters average for European countries 118 liters for Gabon, 42 liters for Congo, 33 liters for Cameron, 20 liters for Ivory Coast, and 14 liters for Kenya.

Beer can be said that up since 1984, all the raw materials (except water) used in beer production in this country were imported.

The basic raw materials are malted barley, malted sorghum, maize, sorghum, rice grits, granulated sugar, yeast, hops, filtering aids, and chemicals such as caustic soda, ascorbic acid, enzymes, water additives.

It was estimated that in 2000, the beer sub-sectorial group imported about 300,000 tones of malted barley plus other additives for full capacity production.

Presently, the mean operational capacity of the breweries has dwindled to about 50% which is lower than their break-even point. Some breweries have been closed down as a result of a lack of raw materials, while a few others may follow suit in the near future. The overall picture of the industry has been that of frustration and depression.

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2. Soft Drink

The products of soft drinks are diverse and come under different trade names, but in essence, they are a combination of water, flavoring, coloring, sugar, and carbon dioxide.

The prominent brands include Pepsi cola, Coca Cola, Africola, Mirinda, 7up, Dr. Pepper, Limca, Schweppes, Gold spot, Senacola, and Crush irrespective of their existence or operation.

The raw materials such as fruit flavor, spices, and cola are concentrated with sugar, chemicals such as ascorbic acid, citric acid, phosphoric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulphite, caustic soda, calcium hypochlorite, hydrated lime chlorine, ammonia, alum, potassium permanganate are not concentrated.

The estimated annual requirement for soft drink concentrates is 400,000 metric tons, all of which are imported from other developing or developed countries.

3. Wines and Spirits

The products in this group are spirits. This consists of whisky, dry gin, schnapps, rum, vodka, and brandy while wines consist of tonic wines, sherries, and table wines.

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The major raw materials used are alcohol which is mainly potable and technical ethyl alcohols, others include sugar, molasses, chemicals, flavorings, and caramel. The chemicals, flavorings, and caramel are all imported.

Conclusively, beer, soft drinks, wines, and spirits are subsets of the food, beverages, and tobacco sector specifically the tobacco sub-sector.

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