7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Migration

7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Migration are listed and explicated in this article and we hope you find it informative and helpful for your research.

Advantages of Migration

Advantages and Disadvantages of Migration
Advantages and Disadvantages of Migration – Photo Source: https://www.eu-logos.org

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Migration has some advantages for the nation and its economy. As long as people keep moving from one place to another, it brings about some of the following advantages:

1. It drastically causes a reduction in population pressure on agricultural land at the source region

naturally, then there are a lot of people living in a particular region, the agricultural lands suffer because a lot of lands will lose their agricultural fertility to the increased rate of human activity on the land, sometimes, these activity causes flooding or erosion and the land will become useless for agricultural activities.

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2. It reduces population pressure on social amenities in the source region

In the areas that are densely populated, you will always find a lot of traffic jams, accidents, fire outbreaks and so many persons in the hospital seeking medical attention.

When people migrate, lesser people are left in the land and the stress is reduced by the basic social amenities that are made available to the general populace.

3. It supplies migrant labor to the receiving region

When people migrate, they join the workforce of the receiving or destination region and help to boost their economy, this helps the receiving region experience more rapid growth and development than they least expect.

4. It ensures the flow of capital to the receiving region

The receiving region also stands to benefit when migration takes place because there will be an increase in the rate of capital investment in that region.

People who migrate will want to establish themselves and this brings about a boost in the economy of the region too.

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5. It leads to the development of social amenities in the receiving region

In the region where people migrate, social amenities are boosted, hence, the overall productivity of the region is enhanced and lives are protected.

6. It boosts markets in the receiving region

Migration makes the receiving region expand the rate of production to meet the needs of the migrant and as such, the market is enlarged, making room for more investment opportunities.

7. It promotes cultural integration

When people migrate, cultural integration is made more possible because people will further settle down, share their traditions with others, and eventually, inter-tribal activities like marriage and cultural diversity will take place.

Disadvantages of Migration

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Migration equally has some disadvantages and some of them are:

1. It breeds social vices

When people who lack skill or employment migrate to another region, in a bid to survive, some of them get involved with some social vives like crime and armed robbery in the receiving region.

2. It increases the high cost of living in the receiving region

Because there are more persons in the receiving regions, the cost of living gets horrendously high, leading to lack and poverty.

3. It leads to pressure on social amenities in the receiving region

Although migration relieves the source region of the pressure on social amenities, the pressure is usually transferred to the receiving region.

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4. It leads to the loss of able-bodied men and youth in the source region

When people who are supposed to constitute the workforce of the source region leave for another region, the work is reduced and soon the source region begins to face problems of lack of manpower.

5. It leads to congestion in housing and transportation in the receiving region

Definitely, even the migrant will need a place to stay in the receiving region as such, this will lead to congestion in housing and traffic.

6. It leads to a decline in production at the source region

Back at the source region of the migrants, there is usually a decline in the production rate as a result of migration.

– It leads to unemployment in the receiving region: the government of the receiving region may

not have made adequate plans in terms of employment for the migrants and this will ultimately lead to unemployment.

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7. It also leads to cultural disintegration in the source region

Sometimes, those who are supposed to hold on to the traditions and customs of their lands often migrate, leaving the customs and traditions to suffer loss and disintegration.

Having looked ad the advantages and disadvantages of migration, before you migrate, look again and consider the economy especially if you are migrating in the search of greener pastures.

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