3 Major Structures of the Earth

3 Major Structures of the Earth are listed and dissected in this article. Characteristics of each structure are also given herein.

Structures and Composition of the Earth

Structures of the Earth
Structures of the Earth – Photo Source: https://geographerthinking

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Apart from the earth’s sphere, the earth also has its unique structures which are commonly referred to as the internal or inner structure of the earth. It is made up of three concentric layers which are the following; Crust, Mantle, and Core.

1. The Crust or Lithosphere

It is otherwise called the Lithosphere. It has the following characteristics;

  1. The crust is subdivided into upper and lower parts.
  2. The upper part of the earth’s crust consists of granite rocks and forms the continent.
  3. The main minerals here are silica and, aluminum, collectivity referred to as ‘sial’.
  4. The upper earth’s crust has an average density of about twenty-seven (27).
  5. The ‘lower part of the earth’s crust consists of basalt rocks and terms the ocean floor.
  6. It contains minerals like silica, iron, and magnesium collectively referred to as sima.
  7. The lower crust has a density of about 3.0.
  8. The sial, therefore, is lighter than the sima
  9. The sial and sima are approximately 5-6km below the ocean and 48km below the surface of the continent.
  10. The lithosphere lies above the mantle.
  11. It forms the soil and sustains life.

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2. The Mantle 0r Mesosphere

It is otherwise called Mesosphere. It has the following characteristics;

  1. The mantle is found just beneath the crust.
  2. It is about 290 kilometers (km) thick.
  3. It is very dense.
  4. The major or main mineral of the mesosphere is olivine.
  5. It is plastic and in semi-liquid form.
  6. Has an average density of about 3.3.
  7. It is a middle layer That surrounds the core.

3. The CoyeorBarysphere

It is otherwise called Barysphere and has the following characteristics

  1. The core is the innermost part of the earth.
  2. It is about three thousand four hundred and seventy-six kilometers (3,476km) in radius or width all around.
  3. It contains two minerals iron and nickel, collectively referred to as nife.
  4. The temperature of the care is estimated to be as high as 20000C (35000F).
  5. The core is also subjected to constant temperature and press.

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It is in a molten state. The correct arrangement of the layers of the earth’s crust from the surface to the interior 18 51a}, sima, mantle, and core.

The rocks weather to form the soil within the Lithosphere. The rocks also change to minerals like coal, petroleum, and gold. Within the hydrosphere Water from seas and oceans evaporates to form clouds and rainfall. Water from rivers, streams, and rainfall combine to form water in seas and oceans.

Within the Atmosphere ‘Water vapor combines to form clouds and rain. Oxygen is taken in by plants and animals to release carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is taken in by plants to release oxygen. Within the Biosphere Animals depend on plants for their food. The decomposition of annuals provides manure for plants.

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Microorganisms in the soil promote plants’ growth. Animals provide carbon dioxide fa plants during respiration. Plants provide oxygen for animals during photosynthesis.

In conclusion, each structure of the earth has the above-highlighted structure written in brief and priority points.

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