Top 12 Best Professions in Nigeria

Top 12 Best Professions in Nigeria
Top 12 Best Professions in Nigeria are listed and explicated herein. This will help you in your choice…

Top 12 Best Professions in Nigeria are listed and explicated herein. This will help you in your choice of Profession in Nigeria.

Most lucrative job in Nigeria

Top 12 Best Professions in Nigeria
Best Professions in Nigeria – Photo Source:

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Some people and even experts have continued to argue that no particular profession should be considered as the best because all professions are relevant and contribute to the development of the economy of Nigeria.

For instance, in as much as it is fulfilling and gratifying to be an ICT expatriate in a reputable organization, it is also pertinent to note that you can’t enjoy the comfort of your executive and exquisite office without the service of a cleaner or office assistant.

Though the above opinion by some people cannot be completely undermined, there are still some of the top best professions that are leading, lucrative, and respected in society.

Of course, it is no news that when you practice a profession that is respected and lucrative, you stand a better chance of living comfortably and remaining economically stable.

Hence it is the opposite to settle for a great profession with good pay, and it starts with your choice of course in the tertiary institution if you are a prospective student.

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Top 10 Best Professions in Nigeria

1. ICT

With the advent of technology and the Incorporation of artificial intelligence in almost all sectors of human activities in Nigeria, this profession has become very relevant and lucrative.

Almost everyone uses computer devices in Nigeria, for example, phones, ATMs, POS, lab tops, calculators, etc. People no longer do things in an analog way, they opt for a computerized way of doing things because it’s easier and faster. Experts in this field are highly paid by major companies to put them ahead.

2. Lecturing /Teaching

Lecturing /teaching is considered a noble profession in Nigeria and is sometimes referred to as “the mother of all other professions”.

It is a well-respected profession and people who practice it are held in high esteem and regarded as knowledgeable individuals.

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3. Petroleum engineering

Petroleum in Nigeria is a big deal, considering its role in boosting the country’s economy. Petroleum engineers stand a better chance of being financially stabled if they get a paid job in the petroleum industry.

4. Concept developer

Presently in Nigeria, innovation and creativity is very relevant and come in very high demand. People want to see things done differently and easily.

A concept developer thinks outside the box and comes up with wonderful ideas that are being used to boost businesses and solve problems.

5. Pastoring

Interestingly pastoring has evolved into one of the booming and lucrative professions in Nigeria, with a regular and constant flow of income.

This is not to castigate or criticize the humble profession in any manner, but to accentuate its growth and transformation over the years.

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6. Medical practitioners

People in the medical field are highly respected and the pay that comes with the profession is mouth watery in Nigeria. The medical sector is very relevant, its importance cannot be overemphasized as people pay dearly to get the best medical attention possible.  Medical practitioners include; Medical doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, etc.

7. Law

Legal practitioners in Nigeria are highly respected considering their role in society. It is equally very lucrative as it comes with good pay.

8. Airline Operation

Considering the risk associated with this profession, skilled personnel in this field are held in high esteem and treated like expatriates.

The job is a high-paying job that comes with exclusive privileges. Airline operators include; Pilots, Air hostesses, etc.

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9. Politics

Politics in Nigeria today is a high-paying job while serving the nation. Politicians are greatly rewarded, both in salaries and allowances.

10. Engineering

These are skilled persons who are opportune to manage major projects and contracts example construction of buildings, bridges, roads, etc.

Most of these construction projects are sponsored by the government which generates a fortune for them.

11. Entertainment

Before now, people in the entertainment industry were perceived to lack vision and focus, but now it is one of the most famous and lucrative jobs in Nigeria.

Music artists and movie stars are called celebrities and are treated with a lot of respect. They are being rewarded handsomely for their services especially when they are invited to an event.

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12. Consultancy

These are trained individuals who are skilled in certain areas. Their job is to help boost the performance of companies that hire them. They add value to companies who employ their services and they are greatly rewarded.

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