9 Principles of Personnel Management

9 Principles of Personnel Management are listed in this article. You will find it helpful and informative as well as meeting your research demands.

Personnel Management Principles

Personnel Principles
Personnel Principles – Photo Source: https://sites.google.com

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Personnel Principles

Personnel organizations and management have to be based on some kind of sound principles. In this article, we will take a sharp look at some of these principles:

1. Avoidance of rigid policies

Every organization and management must be seen as dynamic because by nature, every human is never constant, and neither can they be accurately predicted.

The variability of human nature and the dynamism which every human brings to bear on organizational management makes principles and policies change over time.

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2. Principles of Merit

As much as rigidity should be avoided, it is worth noting that issues that affect personnel should be treated on the basis of merit.

Starting from recruitment to placement, promotion, transfer, discipline, and up to termination should only be on the basis of merit.

The long-term impact of merit on an organization cannot be blown out of proportion in the context of personnel management.

3. Equity, Fairness, and Justice

This is another principle of personnel administration. Equity has a lot to do with giving equal treatment to all the members of the organization with no one as an exemption.

Everyone who deserves praise or query should be accrued the same irrespective of their position in the organization and what is done for one should be done for all. Although, in some cases, equity sometimes can be overlooked where fairness and justice are properly considered.

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4. Principle of intimacy

For a manager or a company to succeed, he must build a level of intimacy with his workers. The personnel managers should interact with workers to the point of knowing them privately, individually, and personally. This level of intimacy will make the workers feel free to confide in the manager should there be any issue arising.

5. Principle of cooperation and teamwork

The accomplishment of any organizational objective will largely depend on the level of cooperation and teamwork that exists among the members of the organization.

It is, therefore, the duty of the personnel department to encourage and sustain this spirit of cooperation among the workers.

6. Democratic principle

The democratic principle is becoming generally accepted as the basic option for achieving organizational efficiency. Democracy by nature implies openness, involvement, the participation of the majority of the members of the organization in the discussion, and the choice of organizational policies, procedures, and decisions.

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7. Principles of incentives/Motivation

This principle means that the need of the employees must be recognized, particularly their desire for job satisfaction, for the organization, and for consultation before changes affecting them take place.

At all times, the employees should be adequately rewarded both intrinsic and extrinsic incentives should be borne in mind and effectively satisfied.

8. Principle of accountability and Transparency

This is another essential principle of personnel administration. By accountability, we mean that both the employee and management should be enabled to display and discharge their functions with integrity.

9. Principle of competitive examination

This principle is related to merit and helps a lot to reinforce the merit principle. The examination helps more to impartially weigh the merits of the various candidates than would a system built on capriciousness and favoritism.

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Other personnel principles include:

  • Leadership principle
  • Principle of a stable political environment
  • Principle of training and development.
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