7 Problems of Political Administration in Nigeria

Politics in Nigeria; Problems and Solutions
7 Problems of Political Administration in Nigeria are listed and explained in this article in order to point…

7 Problems of Political Administration in Nigeria are listed and explained in this article in order to point out the need to correct them.

Problems of Political Administration in Nigeria

7 Problems of Political Administration in Nigeria
Problems of Political Administration in Nigeria – Photo Source: https://politicsngr.com/

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What is Politics?

Politics can be said to mean the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

It could also be said to mean the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society.

In Nigeria, Politics has been bedecked to suit its divisional exertion. To this briefly explicated end, this post targets politics with regard to the Nigerian context and shall explicitly highlight the core nitty-gritty of Nigerian Politics.

The following are the basic problems affecting Nigerian Politics and Government :

1. Gender Problem in Nigerian Politics

Gender is a state of being male or female, typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.

Nigeria is a male predominant country and every aspect of politics and governance is controlled mostly by the male folk. This is because politics is misguidedly believed to be a man’s thing in Nigeria.

Because of this prevalent and over time erroneously accepted ideology, women tend to have lost interest in politics, hence, only about 10% of the female population of the country is seen in politics. Even this explained a minimal number of them do not occupy sensitive positions.

It is either they are appointed as ‘Women leaders’ or to deputize the men and this too rarely happens as almost all the State Governors in the country are men and also deputized by men. The nature of Nigerian Politics is worrisome.


Women who are interested in Politics should be encouraged and not prejudiced as the case is present.

They should be given opportunities to lead at different levels of governance ranging from Presidency, Governorship, Senatorial Districts, House of Representatives, Chairmanship, and Councillorship levels, etc.

outside giving them this try, by balancing this gender equation, women who are sometimes better than men even in governance and leadership will not be discovered.

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2. The Problem of Corruption in Nigerian Politics

Corruption is dishonesty or fraudulent conduct exemplified by those in power, typically involving bribery.

The biggest problem in Nigeria is the problem of corruption. It is at the root of many other problems in the country. Corruption takes many guises and inundates the political and economic sectors.

The government no longer performs its functions as promised, and the officials keep enriching themselves with embezzled money.

In 2013, Transparency International adjudged Nigeria one of the most corrupt nations in the world, ranking 144th in Corruption Perception Index out of the 177 countries measured.

Calculatingly, this shows that Nigeria was the 33rd most corrupt country in 2013, and in 2012, a Gallup poll found that 94% of Nigerians believed that corruption was widespread in their government. The spoils of political corruption, billions of US dollars, are stashed in foreign bank accounts.

Corruption doesn’t only exist in the Nigerian government but is also pervasive in Nigerian society.


Because Corruption is believed to be the root of Nigeria’s problem, it has to be minimized to a bearable extent by all means and there has to be a whole new orientation and the citizens of Nigeria have to be conscious about making it work if Nigeria must be classified among successful countries.

3. The Problem of Crime in Nigerian Politics

Crime is an action or omission which constitutes an offense and is punishable by law.

In Nigeria, this involves a number of frauds, drug trafficking, kidnapping, robbing, raping, stealing, and racketing of various sorts originating from Nigeria.

Nigerian criminal gangs rose to prominence in the 1980s, owing much to the globalization of the world’s economies and the high level of lawlessness already in the country.


Criminals who have people in Government are sometimes exonerated from the due retribution that according to Nigeria’s law should follow the crimes they committed and this in itself is a serious crime.

To curb this problem, Criminals should be made to face the consequences associated with the crimes they committed. And in addition, there should be more emphasis on the campaign against crime.

4. The Problem of Terrorism in Nigerian Politics

Terrorism is an unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Boko Haram Insurgency, Fulani Herdsmen, etc. are all believed to be politically instigated terrorist groups in Nigeria.


The government of Nigeria must be very serious with security in the country as it is one of her core responsibilities. Culprits of both terrorist groups’ sponsors and terrorists who are caught or suspected should be made to face the law.

5. The Problem of Unemployment in Nigerian Politics

Unemployment is a state of being unemployed.

Unemployment is one of the major issues affecting Nigeria’s economy and its society. The rate of unemployment has increased during the last few years due to the fallout from the economic challenges.

Unemployment occurs when people who are able to work are unable to find a suitable paid job for a tangible period of time and this has prevailed in Nigeria for a long time.


The government should create jobs for Nigerians by focusing more on the economic sector, building factories/industries, and creating jobs in all other sectors in the country.

6. The Problem of Political GodFatherism in Nigerian Politics

Godfatherism is a symbiotic relationship between two persons, namely the godfather and the godson, where the godfather uses his political power and wealth to secure a political position for the godson, who upon an ascension into power continuously pays gratification to his godfather in kind or in cash or both.

This is a very serious problem in the political system of Nigeria as it does not allow or give way to other people who most times are the true leaders Nigeria really needs.


If Nigeria must succeed in leadership, the mayhem of the political imposition of leaders must be curbed. This is an obvious act, not a secret and so, it should be preached against and seriously discouraged.

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 7. ‘Ethnic Politics’ Problem in Nigerian Politics

Ethnic relates to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition. While politics is the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.

Therefore, the phrase Ethnic Politics is associated with sectional politics played in favor of a particular ethnic group to the detriment of other ethnic groups and the society at large.

This is one of the major problems affecting politics in Nigeria.


this to stop, leaders must unanimously rise up against it.

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