4 Factors That Influence Recruitment Process

4 Factors That Influence Recruitment Process are listed and explicated herein. We hope you find the article informative and helpful for your research.

Factors That Influence Recruitment Process

Factors That Influence Recruitment
Factors That Influence Recruitment – Photo Source: https://researchleap.com

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When recruitment happens in an organization, there are four factors that come into play an influence the recruitment process, and in this article, we will look at them.

1. Government Regulations

Most governments all over the world have legislation that guides labor matters. For instance, in Nigeria, the first major law was the master and servant ordinance of 1917.

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Since then, there has now been the labor ordinance, of 1929, the forced labor ordinance, of 1993, and the labor code ordinance from 1945 up till the workmen compensation Decree of 1987.

These laws regulate the relationship between the employer and the employee and also stipulate how workers may be recruited in the country.

For instance, the law sets the minimum standard of recruitment and some classes of work for which women cannot be employed to do. All these acts as a check on the freedom of the employer to act as he likes in matters of recruitment.

2. Location of the Organisation

The location of an organization affects its recruitment process. Organizations that are located in remote or rural areas usually have the problem of attracting the right manpower.

Many young people do not like living in such rural areas where there are not many social activities and where they feel that they may be cut off from basic civilization.

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In the same vein, the towns and cities that lack security may equally be unattractive for job seekers, likewise the towns that have a very high cost of living.

All of these factors stated under this point contribute to why people will respond poorly to job advert placements in such areas even though these organizations may have better working experience than their counterparts in favorable locations.

3. The Labour Market

The influence of the labor market on recruitment efforts is a very profound one. As long as the supply of local employees in a job category exceeds the local demand, the wages will be depressed and recruitment will be relatively easy.

But when the supply of qualified employees is limited, recruiting efforts to intensify, and wages may rise. Also, the availability of manpower locally is a major determinant of whether the organization will rely on either internal or external recruitment.

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In a situation where the positions are highly technical and the manpower is not readily available or very expensive, the organization may not have a choice but to source from within.

If it is an organization that has a good manpower planning system, the manpower forecast will have alerted the management on the scarcity of certain skills, thus, helping management to prepare for the replacement of such positions through training and development.

4. The Educational System

It is the educational system in a country that determines the standard or quality of manpower in that country. A country with a sound educational system, no doubt will have a sound manpower base from which organizations can recruit.

Conversely, where the educational system is not sound, the manpower available who are products of that educational system will not be very sound.

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This will invariably affect the recruitment efforts of companies. In such situations, it becomes very difficult to attract the needed manpower, not in the right quantity but in the right quality.

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