Importance of Transportation in Nigeria

Importance of Transportation in Nigeria is discussed in this article. We hope you find it enlightening and educational.…

Importance of Transportation in Nigeria is discussed in this article. We hope you find it enlightening and educational.

Importance of Transportation in Nigeria Economy

Importance of Transportation in Nigeria
Importance of Transportation in Nigeria – Photo Source:

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Transportation is about the movement of people and/or their luggage from one place to the other. This can be done by land (roads and rail), water (seas and rivers), or by air (airplanes, jets, and helicopters).

In Nigeria, the most commonly used means of transportation are islands, especially roads, not just because of the cheap cost, but because it is readily available, unlike the rails which have been largely dysfunctional in the years that follow.

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It is important to state the sad truth about the losses we have suffered as a nation due to the increasing number of deaths from road accidents is alarming.

Our roads are nothing but baits on the hook of death and a reckless driver is its sinker, for death lurks around, curled into potholes.

This article is a clarion call to stakeholders and indeed all key leaders to do something about our roads, standardize our flight services and look into our railway system because transportation is key to progress on several fronts, beginning from its economic prospects to its social benefits, transportation is indispensable.

Importance of Transportation in Nigeria

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The following are the Importance of Transportation in Nigeria:

1. Delivery of services and goods to customers

A production process, in business, is not complete until the goods go through the distribution chain (i.e. from manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer) and it is delivered to the final consumers.

Transportation facilitates the activities in the distribution chain, because goods or products may be made on the outskirts of a town and needs to be transported to the wholesaler, and when the retailer comes to buy the products, he or she has to transport the goods to her shop and resell.

2. Employment of transport workers

There are a lot of people who make a living from transportation, whether it be intra-city transport or inter-city transportation.

Apart from the members of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), there is the more recent taxi business which is both convenient and lucrative, transportation provides a means of employment to car washes and the people who do what is called ‘loading’.

Several people are full-time drivers, sailors, captains, and pilots together with air hostesses. These make a living off of transportation.

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3. Transportation facilitates pleasure traveling

Several people love to travel, visit new places, look at the unique topological features in a place, meet new people, and learn about their culture just for the fun of it.

Traveling is done as a recreational activity for some people, it is their way of relaxing during their holidays and work leaves.

4. Transportation makes it easy for farmers to make food available to the urban population of Nigeria

Agricultural products have very short shelf lives and need to be transported to consumers before they perish to the activities of spoilage organisms.

It is for this reason that farmers who are mostly rural area dwellers, do not stop making appeals to the government to fix old roads and build new ones.

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5. Foreign exchange and importation using seaports are benefits of transportation

Through transportation, exports and imports of goods and services are made and this has the potential of increasing our foreign exchange.

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