How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Nigeria
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently will be listed and explained here to help you get rid…

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently will be listed and explained here to help you get rid of these discomforting insects from your bed.

How to get rid of bed bugs at home

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Nigeria
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs – Photo Source:

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Not only do bedbugs make sleeping or relaxation difficult, but it also sucks blood and does a whole lot of damage to the pieces of furniture in our homes.

Bedbugs are brownish small insects that can lay several hundreds of eggs and hatch them in a really short time.

They infest homes by living in beds and bedding, couches, and other pieces of furniture. Bed bugs leave their shells by the edges of the items and home fixtures that they have infested, they also stain these items with smelly brownish patches.

These signs, aside from their sleep-stealing activity would get you to notice them faster and begin to take action against the resilient household pest.

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People pick bed bugs from public transport like trains and hotel rooms and guesthouses. It is important to keep your luggage sealed when you embark on journeys or have to be lodged in a hotel.

If you are battling a bed bug-infested home, this article is for you, because its expository content will serve as a

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Nigeria

Here are Guides on How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Nigeria:

1. Infested items should be washed in hot water

At a higher or raised temperature, the bed bug eggs and larvae are usually killed. The water to use in this case must not be ordinary warm or lukewarm water, it must be very hot and the items such as bedsheets, bedcovers, pillowcases, and other beddings must be dried under the sun.

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2. Clean your house thoroughly

In getting rid of bed bugs, it is wrong to focus only on cleaning the bedrooms where there are obvious signs of infestation.

This is because bed bugs reproduce so fast and they move from room to room, spreading gradually until they infest whole houses or premises.

For this reason, you have to do a thorough cleaning of the entire house. Clean your wardrobe and avoid piling dirty clothes.

3. Take out your furniture and sundry them

Bed bugs like damp areas and do not do well when subjected to heat. You will have to take out your pieces of furniture, beds, couches, cushion chairs, and mattresses and leave them under the sun for as long as possible. This will go a long way in getting rid of bed bugs in your home

4. Dispose of heavily infested items and close up openings and cracks in your home

You will need to burn or dispose of heavily infested items to permanently keep bed bugs away from your home.

There is also the need to seal all cracks and openings through which bugs can reenter your home. The aim is not just to kill them but to keep them permanently away.

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5. Spraying your house with pesticides or using bed bug bombs is not the best option because of the effect it can have on pets and kids

But some extreme conditions may warrant this and at such a point, it is advisable to seek the help of experts and let them guide you. That will cost you some money but it is better to lose money than to lose your kids or pets.

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