How to Stop Bedwetting Permanently – 10 Tips

How to Stop Bedwetting Permanently – 10 Tips is discussed herein. This will help those who are embarrassed by…

How to Stop Bedwetting Permanently – 10 Tips is discussed herein. This will help those who are embarrassed by this ugly health challenge.

What Can be Done to Stop Bedwetting

How to Stop Bedwetting
How to Stop Bedwetting – Photo Source:

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The issue of bedwetting cannot be undermined, as it is a shameful occurrence and most times embarrassing and poses a possible threat to the victim’s self-confidence resulting in low self-esteem. The victims most times feel so sad and isolate themselves from others.

What is Bedwetting?

Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis is the inability of people to control their bladder pee, especially at night. It’s predominant in children and perceived to be part of childhood development.

This is not limited to children alone, as adults sometimes have their own share of the experience. It is even more challenging to deal with it in adulthood as it is considered to be abnormal.

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Causes of Bedwetting:

Causes of bedwetting in adults may be due to malfunctioning of the bladder or other medical conditions (for example bladder and prostate cancer, urinary tract infections, etc.), hereditary, alcoholic intoxication, deep sleep, stress, and anxiety.

Some people have shared their experiences on how their bed wetted comfortably due to the fact they were actually urinating appropriately in the dreamland.

Having identified the problems and issues surrounding the above-mentioned, let us talk about possible solutions

How to stop bedwetting

Here are the Ways How to Stop bedwetting:

1. Reduce water intake at night

This will help in decreasing the amount of urine produced, thereby reducing the possibility of bedwetting. This does not necessarily mean you should stay dehydrated.

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2. Train your bladder

Cultivate the habit of visiting the restroom at regular intervals to empty your bladder. This will enable your bladder to hold more fluids.

3. Set clock alarm

Set an alarm to wake you up at regular intervals at night so you can use the restroom, just like you train your bladder during the day.

4. Reduce alcohol/caffeine intake

These are diuretics, (diuretics are substances that increase the production of urine) they stimulate the body to produce more fluid.

Excessive alcohol weakens your body’s ability and makes it difficult to wake up at the night to urinate when the need arises. Avoid excessive intake of caffeinated beverages and alcoholic drinks, especially at night.

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5. Empty the bladder before bedtime

Make it a compulsory routine of visiting the restroom before going to bed whether you feel like urinating or not. This is necessary because it will enable the bladder to hold urine for a long time while you’re asleep at night.

6. Reduce intake of bladder irritants

Bladder irritants such as artificial flavoring and citrus juices should be cut down at night to avoid bedwetting.

7. Use of medication

When other natural methods fail, you can opt for the use of drugs (for example Desmopressin which causes the kidney to produce less urine) or to the bladder as the case may be. (As advised by the doctor).

8. Check for constipation

Constipation is capable of exerting a lot of pressure on the bladder, thereby resulting in little or no control over urine at night. If you experience bedwetting due to constipation, increase fiber in your diet.

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9. Positive Reinforcement

This is for children, it is already an established fact that bedwetting is part of development in children. They should not be punished but instead encouraged by being rewarded on dry nights.

10. Surgical solutions

This option should be the last resort and should be in line with medical recommendations, e.g. clam cystoplasty. (This surgery increases the bladder’s capacity to hold urine)

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