Health Benefits of Star Apple

Health Benefits of Star Apple are listed and explained here. You will be intrigued by its health benefits…

Health Benefits of Star Apple are listed and explained here. You will be intrigued by its health benefits and possibly start eating it.

Benefits of African star apple

Health Benefits of Star Apple
Health Benefits of Star Apple – Photo Source:

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There are various species of fruits around the world, almost all of them are sweet, others are sour, and we have a lot of fruits that people can choose from.

These fruits are a very important part of our diet as they add a great deal to our dietary supplements. In this article today, we will be looking at a very important fruit called ‘star apple’.

Many people, especially in Nigeria, probably do not know that this fruit bears the name ‘Star Apple’ because it is generally called ‘Agbalumo’ by most Nigerians while others call it ‘Udara’.

The fruit is not common amongst the Northern group in Nigeria but it has gained a lot of relevance across the African continent. It is almost a continental fruit.

Star Apple is one of the fruits that have a sour-sweet taste and sometimes when the flesh is chewed over time, it easily becomes gum.

What star apple is good for

Some people eat the fruit for fun, it is packed with a lot of health benefits whereby if looked into can drastically help the overall health of a person. Let’s look at five out of the numerous health benefits of ‘Star Apple’.

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Health Benefits of African Star Apple

1. Star Apple treats fever

Most of the herbal drugs we take into our bodies are constituted and made up of the bark of the Star Apple tree as one of the active ingredients.

That is because it is believed that the star apple helps greatly to reduce the effects of fever on a person. The fruit can help in removing a lot of waste from the body, it functions as an antioxidant when consumed.

It could thoroughly cleanse the body system especially when taken before the first meal of the day. It also helps to protect our bodies against too many free radicals in our body system, making us very free and healthy.

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2. Star apple is a rich source of Vitamin C

Knowing this should make you pack your fruit basket with a lot of fruit. It treats toothache. No wonder it has gummy flesh. The gum properties of Star apple help treat some dental issues that one may have.

3. In pregnant women, taking in star apple helps to prevent the early morning vomiting

This is made possible as a result of the acidic content present in the flesh of the fruit and coincidentally, you will always find pregnant women unconsciously loving the fruit during the period of pregnancy.

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4. The fruit helps also to prevent early morning sickness in pregnant women

(Although this is not proven, it may boost the tendency of birthing a male child because of the acidic content. Refer to our article on ‘how to give birth to a male child’ and check the function of foods with acidic contents in the conception of a male child.)

The leaves from the Star Apple tree are not left out of the healing power of the Star apple as they help to treat diarrhea, wounds, and any stomach upset that one may have.

5. Star Apple Enhances Weight Loss

If losing weight becomes an utmost necessity or you are concerned about your weight, Star Apple is the best fruit to consume.

One star apple contains just 67 calories and has active properties when it comes to weight loss. Rather than spend so much money and time doing much other weight loss therapy, tap into the miracle that just N50 Agbalumo/Udara fruit can do for you.

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Now, you know the health benefits of this fruit, you should not wait to be told that in your next shopping, you should locate the stall where the beloved star apple is sold and get as much as you can for yourself and your family.

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