National Identity Management Commission

Functions of National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) and its functions are listed in this article and we do hope you find it helpful and informative.

Functions of NIMC

National Identity Management Commission

Functions of National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)
Functions of NIMC – Photo Source:

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The National Identity Management Commission was established in accordance with the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) Act No. 23 of 2007 which repealed the law that established the Department of National Civic Registration (DNCR) and transferred all of its assets and liabilities to the NIMC.

The commission (NIMC) has since its inception been mandated and authorized to possess, establish, oversee, own, operate, manage and maintain the Nigerian national Identity database as well as register those who are eligible as established and covered by the Act and after registering the person, they also assign a special National Identification Number (NIN) to the person and they are also charged to issue the General Multi-Purpose Cards (GMPC) to those persons that are legal citizens of the country as well as those who are citizens of Nigeria based on some certain requirements permitted by the law.

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On the commission’s website are so many resources and materials that will further enhance your understanding of the commission they are majorly established to make sure that you are identified as a citizen of Nigeria through the National Identification Number.

Out of the Numerous Government parastatals and commissions, the NIMC has a set of great core values that they abide upon.

These core values make them unique and stand out amongst others and they are:  

Promptness: one of the earnest goals of NIMC is to be prompt in service delivery as well as enhance the speedy fulfillment of its functions.

They always want to efficiently meet the deadline and get the job delivered within a short period of time without unnecessary delays.

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Transparency: in a bid to create a system that is committed to transparency and accountability, employees in the commission are constantly charged to maintain that maximum level of professional ethics as well as creating a working environment that is constituted with confidence by virtue of openness and clarity while taking up their job descriptions.

Integrity: One thing that makes the members of staff of the commission be uniquely different is their integrity. The commission has a zero-tolerance for corruption because what they do for the country is very sensitive.

Professionalism: Talk of professionalism, you’ll definitely talk of NIMC staff and system. They are always at their best at whatever given time, they give out their best to ensure that they are able to stand up tall and do the work. They are creative, accountable, competent, and respectful and they understand and put to practice teamwork.

Functions of the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

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The following are the Functions of National Identity Management Commission (NIMC):

1. The commission established the NIMC as the basic constitutional, institutional, and regulatory mechanisms for the implementation of the Government reform initiative (as related to the identity sector) as written in the National Policy and NIMC Act, Section 1, 2, 5, and 6.

2. The commission is charged to take over all the assets as well as liabilities of the defunct Department of National Civic Registration (DNCR) including the personnel at both state and local government levels all over the country.

3. The commission also has the responsibility of ensuring that all citizens of the country who are eligible for registration are duly registered by carrying out an enrolment exercise for the legal residents or citizens of the country in accordance with the Act.

4. They also create and manage a National Identity Database for the country and also issue a National Identification Number to all citizens of the country.

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5. It is also the responsibility of the commission to foster the smooth and swift development of an identification sector as well as issuing a National Identity smart card to every registered person from 16 years above.

The commission also secures an avenue to gain access to the National Identity Database so that individuals can also assert their identity through the Person Identification Verification Services Infrastructure.

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