22 Functions of Federal Road Safety Corps

22 Functions of Federal Road Safety Corps is written to bring to your knowledge the Functions of FRSC.…

22 Functions of Federal Road Safety Corps is written to bring to your knowledge the Functions of FRSC. Do read attentively and learn from it.

Functions of FRSC in Nigeria

22 Functions of Federal Road Safety Corps
Functions of Federal Road Safety Corps – Photo Source: http://dailypost.ng

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The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) is a government agency charged with the statutory responsibilities of road safety management in Nigeria. It was established in 1988 and is the foremost government body responsible for road transportation management.

At its establishment, the Federal Road Safety Corps was assigned some statutory responsibilities or functions. This post seeks to explore the duties or functions of road safety in Nigeria.

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Here are the Functions of the Federal Road Safety Corps:

1. The first function of the Federal Road Safety Corps is to ensure the safety of highways.

2. It is the duty or responsibility of the Federal Road Safety Corps to make our roads and highways safe for motorists as well as other road users.

3. They are also mandated to recommend tools and devices that can help reduce road accidents. The Corps will also advise on the best places to situate such devices.

4. Road Safety has it as its duty to educate motorists and members of the general public on the necessity of discipline when using roads and highways.

5. It is also the duty of FRSC to seek ways and implement plans to prevent and minimize accidents on the highways.

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6. The Federal Road Safety Corps is also mandated to clear obstructions on any part of the Nigerian highways.

7. The Corps should also dedicate drivers, motorists as well as other road users to the proper use of highways.

8. It is the duty of the Federal Road Safety Corps to design, produce, and issue driver’s licenses to different categories of vehicle operators.

9. The Federal Road Safety Corps shall design, produce, and issue the different categories of vehicle number plates.

10. The Corps shall determine and review from time to time the requirements to be met by driver’s license applicants.

11. It shall be responsible for the regulation of standard highway traffic codes.

12. The Federal Road Safety Corps shall conduct research and investigations into road crashes and accidents, be they major or minor. The results of such research should be put to use to prevent future occurrences.

13. They give prompt responses and attention to accident victims.

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14. The agency shall determine and enforce speed limits for the various categories of motor vehicles. It shall also control the use of speed-limiting devices.

15. The Federal Road Safety Corps shall cooperate with other agencies, organizations, and groups whose activities are aimed at preventing road accidents while promoting safety on the highways.

16. FRSC regulates the use of sirens, beacon lights, and flashers in vehicles not belonging to the Army, Police, firefighters, Civil Defense, or other paramilitary agencies.

17. The Corps is also to make regulations that border on the performance of its duties or will enable it to perform its statutory duties or functions as expressed by the act establishing it.

18. It, in addition to other duties provides roadside and mobile clinics for the provision of first aid services to victims of road accidents without billing the patients.

19. The Corps also regulates the use of motorcycles on highways.

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20. It regulates the use of mobile phones by motorists.

21. FRSC monitors the use of seat belts by drivers and passengers as well as the use of other safety devices.

22. The Federal Road Safety Corps has the right to arrest and prosecute persons suspected to have committed any traffic offense.

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