Lesson Notes for Teachers

Before You Write a Note of Lesson

Lesson Notes for Teachers is appropriately explicated in this article to guide you on the things required of you as a teacher.

Before You Write a Note of Lesson

Lesson Notes for Teachers

Lesson Notes for Teachers
Lesson Notes for Teachers – Photo Source: https://wcedeportal.co.za

Writing lesson notes is an integral part of teaching. In short, it is impossible to go through a college of education without having to study a course on lesson note writing.

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A teacher who does not have a note of the lesson is not worthy of teaching as there is nothing he or she will have to offer to the learners in his or her classroom.

However, it takes a lot of time and energy to write a good lesson note that will be used to teach children beginning from the gathering of materials, and understanding of the needs of the learners to the content development, a teacher has to be very deliberate without which the main purpose of writing the note will be defeated.

In this article, we will be showing you what you need to consider before or when writing your note of lesson.

Before You Write a Note of Lesson

Here are the Things to Consider Before You Write a Note about the Lesson:

1. Consider why you are writing the note of the lesson

This should carefully answer the question, ‘What will these children learn after I have taught them the content of my note?’ with that question in mind, you will be able to put your pen to work and script out the necessary information that is needed in your note and you mustn’t stop planning and writing your note until these objectives are met.

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Your objectives need not be conclusive, for instance, if you are teaching preschoolers who do not know how to write, your objective of introducing a topic to them may simply be to help them hold the pencil which is pointing to help them learn how to write.

2. Plan the time adequately

Your lesson note is more or less a guide to everything you will do in the class. It should include the timing of the lesson.

When you do not time everything you will be doing in the class, you might end up overshooting a period and eating up the time allocated for another subject or class.

3. View your students as you plan

What makes a lesson note good or bad is if it was accepted by all the students in the class. Take note of this when planning your class; there are three kinds of learners: Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Visual.

Some people are one of these while others are merely a combination of all three styles. When planning your lesson, make sure that all three styles of learning are covered.

You may need to include a provision for playing audio or videos in the course of your teaching just to ensure that all the students learn adequately.

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4. Use different teaching methods in your lesson notes

Don’t be rigid, make room for different styles within a lesson. The ultimate goal is for the learners to grasp what has been taught if one style is not yielding the desired result, do well to opt-in for another style.

5. Give room for unplanned events

Even if you are teaching the top graders, always do well to leave room for uncertainties. Don’t plan up all your time, allocate 10-20 minutes to unplanned events which may stem in the form of questions, accidents, or contributions. Remember that it is like learners to be inquisitive, your lesson should give them that space.

Whether you are a novice or a pro-teacher, the aim of your lesson at all times must be to meet the educational need of that student in your class, and at the end of your class, students should leave better than they came in. If this is not achieved, learning has not taken place.

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