Internet Cafe Business Plan in Nigeria

Internet Cafe Business Plan in Nigeria
Internet Cafe Business Plan in Nigeria will be analyzed in this article. We hope it guides you into…

Internet Cafe Business Plan in Nigeria will be analyzed in this article. We hope it guides you into getting your Internet Cafe business started.

Business proposal for cyber cafe

Internet Cafe Business Plan in Nigeria
Internet Cafe Business Plan in Nigeria – Photo Source:

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This Business is structured to offer services that are beyond the horizon of what phones can offer as an important factor for the satisfaction of our customers.

This is because there are trained computer operators, equipped systems, a suitable location, and efficient business principles and these make the business very profitable and effective.

Vision Statement

  • To create awareness in society through the dissemination of information by making it easily accessible.
  • To develop the business to a stage where multiple systems can be operated at the customer’s demand.
  • To create an eligible environment where network problems can be avoided and addressed.

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Mission Statement

This business plan is established with an expansion motive of effective Internet Cafe Business with the key objective of expanding the business with a new workforce, and new systems partners in the foreseeable future.

Economic Value

  • To create employment opportunities for youth who can access job opportunities sites effectively.
  • To educate and train both men and women on system processing.
  • To educate and train secondary school leavers who are interested in developing their skills in information computer technology which will be to their advantage at the tertiary level.
  • To organize skill acquisition to train youth people on the use of computers, especially in different software packages such as micro soft word.
  • To collaborate with the private sector, other governmental bodies, and schools to train corps members and undergraduates in entrepreneurial programs.

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Our Target Market

  • Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) students
  • Applicants and job seekers
  • Secondary Students
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Software operators and users
  • Online Salers and online buyers
  • Business operators using Office documentation
  • Public through buying and selling
  • Events through online conferences
  • Business centers
  • Corporate bodies, etc.

Accounting Records

Tropical Internet Cafe Business ensures accountability with daily accounting records to avoid business faults and erroneous documentation.

It is done to ensure an effective financial balance to enable my business to have a robust net profit for the expansion of the business within a long period.

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Capital Base

Tropical Internet Cafe Business is very profitable but it requires proper management, and functional systems, to make the business function effectively.

My capital base is required depending on the expansion level of the business. The cost of functional systems, Computer processing units, mice, printers, Photocopying machines, keyboards, flash drives, and other devices.

Labour Force

Two to four Internet Cafe operators are required for a start and any adjustment will depend on the nature of the business and the choice of the manager.

Estimated Income

Internet Cafe Business is a very profitable business.

Most times financial records are documented in bits according to customer patronage. In a brand internet cafe, income is documented by a particular person to ensure accountability and in others, it is done individually as each labor force attends to a customer.

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Internet Cafe Business goods news is that it is rewarding since society is becoming more digital and technological as the space of time passes by.

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