Top 5 Medicinal Plants

Top Medicinal Plants and Herbs

Top 5 Top Medicinal Plants and Herbs are listed and discussed in this article. We hope you find this helpful, informative, and able to meet your research needs.

Top 5 Medicinal Plants

Top 5 Medicinal Plants
Top 5 Medicinal Plants – Photo Source:

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Ever wondered about who treats goats and other grass-eating animals for their illness when they fall sick? Maybe you have never wondered about it but the truth remains that when these animals fall sick (even though they rarely do), they eat plants, and boom… they’re fine.

With the increase of different types of sickness around the world and a cry for help for a possible solution to them, wisdom will be fully played out if everyone returns to natural treatments for some of their illnesses rather than consuming some of these over-the-counter drugs.

In nature especially plants lie the antidote to some of the incessant health challenges that the world has today.

Scientists have tried on their own to discover some of these plants that have healing powers but they have not discovered all, this article hence is written to show you some of these plants and how you can use them for optimal health benefits.

In this article, however, you will not learn of all the health benefits of these plants, our intention is solely to mention them as being medicinal and not to spell out their health benefits in their entirety, though in subsequent articles, we will spell out the whole health benefits of each with them.

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Top 5 Medicinal Plants

1. Thyme

Oftentimes, because we use thyme as a spicy plant, we often overlook the numerous health benefit it has, this is why one may never forget to buy meat in the market but could forget thyme.

After reading this, you will never forget to add it to your meals. The flowers, leaves, and oil of this aromatic plant have a lot of tremendous health benefits, it has been discovered as one of the plants that can balance blood levels, prevents bacterial infections gotten through food, provide instant relief from cough and cold, calm down the nervous system amongst others.

These are possible because of the plant’s antiviral, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, and antifungal properties.

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2. Spinach

Spinach is a flowering plant that cannot just be consumed but also is used as a natural cure for some illnesses and diseases. It is very crispy and has a lot of leaves.

When you talk of vitamins, or when a doctor tells you that you are low on vitamins, rather than look for supplements, try out Spinach, its healing power works like magic.

The plant improves the cardiovascular system, protects eyesight, strengthens the bones, reduces the possibility of DNA damage, balances cholesterol in the body, and treated and sometimes cures diabetes and cancer amongst other amazing health benefits.

3. Ginger

Already, a lot of people have discovered the health benefits of this amazing plant, if you are still the only one left, learn it today and stop taking the small brownish plant for granted.

Ginger has been known over the ages to cure any disease that is common to man, if only you can ignore the foul scent it leaves in the mouth and eat ginger daily, you may likely not be diagnosed with so many kinds of diseases.

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Ginger fights among other illnesses asthma, diabetes, and even cancer, it clears up the body and makes blood circulation very possible and you will agree that once your blood circulates properly, some illnesses will not find their way into your body system.

4. Garlic

One of the members of the family of onions is Garlic. It is often used by many chefs as a spice in a recipe, but only a few out of the so many persons who use it really realize the health benefits of this plant.

Garlic can permanently take care of so many illnesses around the world. Used properly, garlic can improve the immune system which helps your body fight against foreign contamination.

It contains a lot of nutrients but has very low calories. The scents of garlic can help scare away insects and even snakes. If you are looking for what to use to detoxify your body system, you should look out for garlic.

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5. Marigold

You must have seen so many supplements with marigold as one of the active ingredients, Marigold cures so many skin diseases as well as helps drastically to reduce body scars, it also acts as a relief from fever, reduces the possible chance of tumors, helps for the cure of toothaches amongst others.

These are not the only medicinal plants in the world, even some of the grasses around us have good medicinal properties that may leave you amazed.

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