Self-pay Maternity Package USA – 9 Packages

Self-pay Maternity Package USA is discussed herein with the packages listed and explained one after the other.

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Self-pay Maternity Package USA - 9 Packages
Maternity Package USA – Photo Source:

The self-sponsored maternity has several packages provided the maternity resides within the economy of the United State of America.

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Aspect from having childbirth package in the USA for foreigners, there are also maternity packages in the USA that are not sponsored by the US government but is ‘self-pay’. This article will explore these packages.

1. Access to standard Health care

When an expectant mother has the desire to deliver her baby in the United States, one of the unique packages that the baby will have access to is standard Health care.

The US hospitals have standardized medical health care that competes with the rest of the world. Every Self-pay Maternity Package in the USA has access to higher or good standards of health care at reasonable prices or rates.

2.  Good radiology investigation

The maternity Self-pay Package in the USA has good obstetric scan examination that is highly reliable. The radiology investigation is able to dictate the obstetric profile of the baby whether it is a singleton or a doubleton viable fetus in the uterus.

The examination also reveals the breech presentation and the longitudinal lie of the baby. It goes as far as revealing the posterior mid-placenta and the stage of maturity of the baby giving the mother more information about the baby before delivery.

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3. Good biophysical profile of the baby

Due to proper health facilities, the mother will be aware of the level of non-stress test of the child whether it is active or reactive, the breathing level of the baby, the normality or the abnormality of the following: breathing, fetal body activity, fetal tone, amniotic fluid index, the placental grading, and the composite score. In cases where abnormalities are dictated, they can be easily averted before delivery.

4. Intensive delivery planning

Another Self-pay Maternity Package in the USA is an intensive delivery planning about the organ survey of the baby, GIT, urogenital and skeletal systems to find out if it has any gross anomalies.

The self-pay maternity package in the USA gives inclusive information and planning to assist the mother in nearly every step of the international birth process.

5. Travelling accommodations

International baby delivery packages offer varieties of services to help expectant mothers during maternity. This is achieved by granting good traveling accommodations. Most hospitals go as far as giving traveling discounts to women during their maturity as a delivery package.

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6. High-rated services

Concerning that maternity is self-paid, the USA gives high-rate maturity services to meet the needs, concerns, and insurance coverage of the mother during the course of this time.

There are high-rated prenatal services for both vaginal and cesarean section packages when a woman chooses to give birth or benefit from a maternity package in the USA.

7. The child automatically becomes a U.S. Citizenship

The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees a child’s birthright citizenship. It explains that one of the maternity packages in the USA is automatic citizenship for any child born.

This helps the child to have dual citizenship from birth if born in the USA. It states that U.S. Citizenship is a guaranteed birthright protected under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The Constitution guarantees citizenship to those born within the United States and its territories irrespective of the mother’s or father’s nationality.

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8. Maternity Convenience

The maternity Self-pay Package in the USA is very comfortable. There are awaiting doctors and nurses attending to mere and severe cases when the need arises. This places the mother in no state of mental tension and worries at all.

9. Hotel accommodation

In addition to this, another self-pay maternity package in the USA is the exclusive hotel accommodation offer. The hotel accommodation serves International baby delivery packages during the period of maternity.

All self-pay maternity packages in the hotel have access to complimentary breakfast, free Wi-Fi, an indoor pool, a 24-hour fitness center, and other numerous benefits.


The U.S.A government is one of the nations that provide proper prenatal care and considerably advanced standards of care compared to many countries of the world.

These maternity packages are more rewarding when the mothers gain access to the United States legally, the international delivery packages are more assured.

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There are also attended to by highly trained and certified doctors and nurses who have knowledge about advanced medical technology to guarantee the safety of both mother and baby.

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