Punishment for Bribery in Nigeria

Punishment for Bribery in Nigeria will be discussed here. This is to bring to your perusals the punishments…

Punishment for Bribery in Nigeria will be discussed here. This is to bring to your perusals the punishments that await anyone in this act.

How long can you go to jail for bribery in Nigeria

Punishment for Bribery in Nigeria
Punishment for Bribery in Nigeria – Photo Source: https://www.legit.ng

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According to the Collins Online Dictionary, bribery is offering someone money or something valuable to persuade them to do something for you.

Bribery which is a form of corruption is a common practice in Nigeria. It is sad enough that Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries in the world but it is even more unfortunate that the culture of impunity is passed on from generation to generation in our socialization process as a cultural asset.

Bribery seemed to have come to stay and most times when people talk about “long legs”, and “connection and make the “it is not about what you know but about who you know” statements they subtly refer to it.

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People who give money, assets, or other valuables to those who can use their offices, positions, and influence to make things go in their favor are the reasons why our system is dysfunctional.

Public officials often complain of the delay in payment and lack of incentives and motivation, hence the reason why they cannot ignore bribes. Some claim it is what they use to get by when salaries are not paid for months.

Not many know the damage they are wreaking on our economy and society by giving or taking bribes. The shady deals inherent in our system put off local investors and remain a cog in the wheel of foreign investments.

We destroy the present and it is obvious that not many of us care about the future, considering how we let bribery and all forms of corruption thrive in our country.

For this reason, the Federal Government, has in the last few years taken commendable steps to reclaim the country by installing some mechanisms to ensure checks and balances but bribery is like a bed bug, the battle is not a one-time thing, it will take a while before the effects and the value of these efforts are seen.

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Many forms of it are still seen on our highways, in universities and other higher institutions, at borders where smugglers grease the palms of the authorities, the brown envelopes passed to journalists after press conferences, etc.

This article will sensitize you to the dangers and legal implications of giving and taking bribes as stated in the constitution of Nigeria.

Punishment for Bribery in Nigeria

The laws state the Punishment for Bribery in Nigeria is found in the Criminal Code Act and it prescribes that:

  1. Any public official who takes money to grant favor to one and disfavor another in the discharge of his official duties or related to this is guilty of the felony of official corruption and liable to imprisonment for seven years.

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  1. A person who promises or offers to give or confer or to procure or attempt to procure any property or benefit of any kind to, on, or for a public official is guilty of bribery and is liable to imprisonment for seven years.
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