First Aid Steps and Emergency Action

First Aid Steps and Emergency Action are given and explained in this article and do hope that you find it helpful and informative.

First Aid Steps and Emergency Action

First Aid Steps and Emergency Action
First Aid Steps and Emergency Action – Photo Source:

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First aid is initial care for illness or injury. It is immediate assistance or treatment given to someone that is injured or suddenly becomes ill before the doctor or before the person is taken to the hospital.

It is usually performed by non-experts, and it is required for one to know how to give this immediate assistance and what to use to assist people who may be involved in an accident or who suddenly become ill.

First Aid Steps and Emergency Action

The following are Emergency Medical Situations and Proper First Aid Treatments:

1. Bites and scratches

Animal bites and scratches can lead to complications if not treated on time.

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What To Do:

If the bite or scratch wound is bleeding, apply pressure to the area with a clean bandage or towel until the bleeding stops. Use gloves to protect yourself and to prevent the wound from being infected.

If the wound is not bleeding heavily, clean the wound with water and soap and hold it under running water for several minutes.

Dry the wound and cover it with a clean cloth. Phone a doctor or take the victim to the hospital. If the bite is from an unfamiliar animal, note the location of the animal and get the animal captured by an appropriate authority.

2. Eye Injury

Injuries to the eyes are the commonest causes of blindness. These injuries to the eye should be prevented.

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What To Do:

Minor eye irritation can be treated by flushing the eye with water. First, wash hands thoroughly with water before touching the eyelids to examine the eyes.

It is not proper to rub the affected eye and do not try to remove any foreign object from the eye except by flushing.

Tilt the victim’s head over a basin with the affected eye down and gently pull down the lower lib while encouraging the victim to open the eyes as wide as possible, gently pour a steady stream of lukewarm water over the eyes. If irritation continues, seek medical help.

3. Fever

Fever occurs when the body’s temperature rises above its normal level.

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What To Do:

Check the victim’s temperature. Give the victim some analgesics. Dress the victim lightly and cover him or her with a light blanket.

Keep the victim in a room with a normal temperature. Give the victim plenty of fluids. Also, allow the victim to eat whatever he or she likes in a reasonable quantity. Let the victim get plenty of rest and seek medical help if the fever persists.

4. Choking

This occurs when an object and usually the food is lodged in the airways and it is preventing air from flowing normally into or out of the lungs. This makes breathing difficult.

What To Do:

If the choking does not prevent breathing and talking, do not do anything. Simply watch the victim for a short while he or she will be fine. If the victim cannot breathe, call the attention of any health professional.

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Conclusively, the materials needed for a standard First aid box include a First aid manual, adhesive tape or adhesive bandage, soap, an antiseptic solution like hydrogen peroxide, sharp scissors, a safety pin, thermometer, disposable gloves, flashlight, an extra battery, blanket, mouthpiece, list of emergency telephone numbers and cotton wool.

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