How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria

How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria brings to your perusal the necessary step to step guide on…

How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria brings to your perusal the necessary step to step guide on how to become a blogger in Nigeria.

How to Become a Successful Blogger in Nigeria

How to Be a Blogger in Nigeria

How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria
How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria – Photo Source:
  • Do you desire to have a legitimate source of income that saves you the stress of corporate employment?
  • Are you tired of going out every day to stress yourself and only end up making another person richer?
  • Do you desire to boost your meager income?
  • Do you aspire to make money from the comfort of your home?
  • Do you have great writing skills but are unable to land journalism jobs?
  • Are you looking for a legitimate personal business you can do without paying huge taxes and union dues in Nigeria?
  • What are you waiting for?
  • Why not become a blogger?

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Blogging is quite becoming a global trend. It has proven to be a very useful marketing tool for businesses around the globe. Blogging is basically about putting up posts on a blog that people can access and read.

In the process of reading your story, visitors to your blog get to see some interesting adverts and click on them. You get paid by the owners of the advert.

And you are rewarded for your story and blog. Why not take advantage of this kind of opportunity and grow your income?

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Here are Steps on How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria

To Start Blogging in Nigeria, take the following steps:

1. Decide what you want to blog about

You need to be clear and decisive about what you want to blog about. In other words, you have to create a niche. What do you want people to read on your blog? Is it sports? If sport, what aspect of sports?

You can write just about anything, from entertainment to healthcare; from technological breakthroughs to ancient history; from foreign policies to crime. Just about anything readable by Nigerians and non-Nigerians alike.

However, in choosing a niche, you have to have a specific target audience. Who are you writing for? Who would likely consume the information you are putting out? You should also consider your passion before deciding on a niche.

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2. Choose a Blogging Platform

After deciding on what to blog about, the next thing to do is to choose an online platform on which to air your content. There are many online platforms from which you can choose.

These platforms help you to apply professional finishes to your blog write-up. They help you to edit, format, and add videos and pictures to your blog content.

These platforms equally help you to design the user interface of your blog to make your blog appealing to readers.

The most popular blogging platform is WordPress. It is easy to use and has a lot of interesting features. Just go to or to register and begin. Other platforms include Blogger and Tumblr.

3. Getting a Domain Name is one of the Steps on How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria

Your domain name is the name of your site or blog. Choose a short and memorable name. When choosing a domain name, consider the possibility of expansion in the future.

You can choose to end your domain name with .com or .net. You might also want to add ng to your domain name to help localize the search.

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4. Get a Web Hosting company

You need a company to host your domain name and your blog. What this means is that you need a company to store the data you will be uploading on your blog.

If you bought your domain name from a hosting company, you will not have to manually connect your blog to a hosting site.

5. Create your blog

After choosing a hosting company, the next thing is for you to design your blog to the model you want it to be. Upload content.

Your content should carry keywords that people would use when searching for a thing like that. Besides, you have to link your blog to social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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These are platforms that can help you pull traffic to your blog. Depending on how frequented and popular your blog is, you will start getting proposals to put up adverts on your blog.

So that is how to start blogging in Nigeria. We wish you success!

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