How to Be a Celebrity in Nigeria: 13 Ways

How to Be a Celebrity in Nigeria: 13 Ways brings to your perusal the necessary step to step…

How to Be a Celebrity in Nigeria: 13 Ways brings to your perusal the necessary step to step guide on how to become Famous in Nigeria.

How to Become a Celebrity in Nigeria

How to Be a Celebrity in Nigeria: 13 Ways:

  1. Make a decision
  2. Create a niche for yourself
  3. Comedy
  4. Invest in good clothing
  5. Hang around celebrities
  6. Create a channel
  7. Solve a problem in a unique way
  8. Dare to be different
  9. Go for a reality show
  10. Get involved in charity
  11. Develop a talent
  12. Become a social media influencer or a thought leader
  13. Become visible
How to Be a Celebrity in Nigeria: 13 Ways
How to Be a Celebrity in Nigeria – Photo Source:

Everybody wants to be famed, noted, celebrated, renowned, or well-known. Day in and day out, we come across news about people becoming popular.

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Well, being popular these days is simple. There are certain things you could do or certain ways you could do things to become famous.

Note, however, that this article will deal exclusively with positive things that bring fame. Behaviors frowned upon by society shall not be mentioned or encouraged as what could make someone famous.

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1. Make a decision

How famous do you want to be? Be conscious of the fact that fame comes at many different levels: one can be famous in his or her town; your fame can be in a given profession; one can be famous in school.

Fame can cross local or national boundaries. Each of these levels of fame has its uniqueness. So you decide, how famous do you want to be?

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2. Create a niche for yourself

In what area do you want to be famous? What do you want to be admired for or recognized by? The following are some hot niches that can give you a huge fan base if you do well in any of them.

3. Comedy

Can you crack creative, original, and healthy jokes? Do you possess what it takes to make people laugh? If yes, find a way to develop such talent and watch people pay big money to watch or listen to you.

You can choose to practice as a standup comedian at events. You might want to host comedy events where folks will have to buy tickets to attend.

Filming comedy skits and uploading them to social media is another way that will still draw many followers to you.  After all, who does not want to laugh?

4. Invest in good clothing

The world at large and Nigeria in particular is becoming more fashion-oriented. Folks these days admire and seek connection with well-dressed ladies and gentlemen.

If you can afford it, invest in expensive and fashionable clothing. Take jaw-breaking pictures of you in the dresses and post them on social media. Remember, looking good is good business.

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5. Hang around celebrities

What celebrity do you admire? How much influence do they have? What will your association with such a celebrity do for you?

You can meet them at events, eateries, etc. be sure to take selfies or photographs of such celebrities and post them on your social media feeds.

6. Create a channel

Where do you want your admirers to find you? What vehicle will you use to access your fans? Social media is a good place to begin. You can also get popular on radio, television, and print media.

7. Solve a problem in a unique way

There are problems everywhere around us screaming for solutions. Do you want to become popular? Why not find a unique solution to any of these problems?

You can even do a normal, regular thing in a creative way. This will surely make you famous and popular in Nigeria.

8. Dare to be different

In a culture and generation where everyone is trying to blend and fit in, you can dare to be different from every other Nigerian.

Why not stand out? You do not get noticed by joining the crowd, but you will definitely be noticed for being positively outstanding and being yourself.

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9. Go for a reality show

Nigerians are by nature fun-loving. We love entertainment and can go any length to watch and support entertaining events. A reality show is one good way of getting known and becoming famous in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, there are many reality shows you can audition for and attend to boost your fame and popularity, from Gulder Ultimate Search to Big Brother Nigeria.

10. Get involved in charity

In Nigeria, you can become famous and popular for helping the needy and adding value to the lives of others. In other words, generosity can be rewarded with fame or popularity.

Even when you do not have the funds necessary to engage in philanthropy, you can be a middleman, linking donors to needy beneficiaries. You can also volunteer to help others like the elderly and little children.

11. Develop a talent

A talent is a natural ability or skill. Is there something creative you can do with ease? Why not develop it, do it more, and earn recognition for it? As long as it is something that adds value to human living, work on it and pretty soon you will become known and famous for it.

It could be dancing, singing, basketball, football, body contortion, magic, writing, poetry, craftwork, anything.

12. Become a social media influencer or a thought leader

With widespread addiction to social media in Nigeria, you can become a thought leader and create influence. All you need is a social media account, a good profile photo, and a daily dose of content that inspires your followers to be the best they can be.

You can give out do-it-yourself tips, fashion tips, and culinary tips. You can even devote your page to analyzing local and international events and news.

From time to time, spice these up with elegant personal pictures of you, with a good background. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are good social media.

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13. Become visible

This is very important. If the populace does not know you, how do you gain fame? You need a wide fan base to become popular; after all, it is the number of people who see and mark you for something spectacular that will define your fame and popularity.

Sell your personal brand on social media. Announce your achievements. Post pictures and videos of your creativity online. Make a podcast. Travel to places. Meet people and tell the world about it.

Follow the outlined steps. Follow them diligently. Put your mind to your dream of becoming famous in Nigeria and famous you shall become.

Note that doing what you do, and how you do it matters a lot.

Good luck to you!
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