Functions of National Institute of Building (NIOB)

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Functions of NIOB

Functions of National Institute of Building (NIOB)
Functions of National Institute of Building – Photo Source:

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The Nigerian Institute of Building is the body for professional builders as well as those who are aspiring to get involved with the profession of building.

The institute can be traced back to a body that was formed back in 1934 by a group of well-renounced builders in the city of London.

The “Builders’ Society” as it was called then was later called “The Institute of Building “ in the United Kingdom and it later transcended to “The Chartered Institute of Building” in 1980.

Today, that institute that was created un-seriously has now had a place in the United Kingdom and it is now called “The Institute for the Management of Construction.

Talking about the first overseas Centre of the Institute of Building, it was Nigeria that became the first in 1967.

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The center of Building in Nigeria became independent on the 5th of November, 1970 and as of its independence, its name became ‘The Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB).’

It is the speed at which the Nigerian center grew that boosted the morale of its counterparts in other countries both in and out of African continents and led to the independence of the Institute in countries like Canada, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, and Australia, amongst others.

In 1974, the National Institute of Builders launched a campaign for due recognition in the form of the constitutional Registration Council for Professional Builders in the Country.

It was through the resilience of the Professional Builders that the then Military Government signed into law the Builders’ (Registration etc.) Decree No. 45 of 1989 (Formerly ACT CAP 40) formed the Council of Builders that is registered In Nigeria (CORBON) on December 15th, 1989, and the Council was officially inaugurated on the 24th of April, 1990.

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Functions of National Institute of Building (NIOB)

In line with the Act which led to the formation of the Council, some of the statutory functions of the Council are:

1. The council ensures the promotion of the art and science of the technology of building, maintenance of the building, surveying of building, building construction/production Management, and Project Management which includes all publications and research of the outcome for the knowledge of the general populace.

2. The council Maintains and Establishes a very high standard of competence and behavior for those who care about getting into as well as those who are already into the art and science of Building and the education and research which are interconnected therewith.

3. The council provides an avenue where members can meet and deliberate upon issues of common interest to the Professional Builders in the country and preserve and maintain the interest of those who are its members.

4. The council stimulates and promotes improvement when it has to do with the technical and general knowledge of individuals who are engaged in or being trained to get engaged in the science and art of Building as a profession.

5. The council equally makes information on issues that affects the profession of building within the country available at any time for any persons who may need it.

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6. The Council promotes a common understanding of the Building profession amongst the members of the public and equally partner with all other professionals and other bodies in the industry of construction and equally act as the only and primary authority in the country when it has to do with issues affecting the profession of building.

7. The council also acts as a constituted authority in which the Government or other unofficial or official authorities, individuals, and organization(s) in Nigeria can always come to for quality counsel or aid in any matter which has directly or indirectly to do with the Building Profession in Nigeria at large.

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