Assessment And Treatment of Aggression

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Treatment of Aggression Impulsivity

Assessment And Treatment of Aggression
Assessment And Treatment of Aggression – Photo Source:

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Scenes can be created for the treatment of aggression. These scenes include interactions with others in which the patient or client exposes anger, hostility, and aggression. The target may be a parent, sibling, spouse, or other significant others; even ‘self’ could be used too.

Let us briefly explain this by example.

Here, the client is asked to describe an incident when he was very angry and frustrated by another person (usually, the mother, father, teacher, etc.).

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The themes are then developed around the client’s emotional verbalizations toward this person. The client is goaded to attack the source of his frustration with bites, kicks, and curses.

He is helped to imagine a scene in which he physically annihilates the victim. in another development, the client might be requested to picture himself as a lien savagely ripping and clawing its victim.

Underlying such a creation would be our emphasis on the loss of control by the person and the complete expression of impulse.

Also, scenes of loss of impulse control can be created. Patients or clients are asked to imagine scenes in which they clearly lose control and act out of sexual or aggressive impulse.

Incorporated also, are scenes of the consequences of such impulse acting out, such as being disgraced, humiliated, or boycotted by others.

Some scholars advocated the use of modeling procedures to modify the aggressive behavior of older children. This procedure includes the enactment of irritating and aggression-provoking situations along with the modeling of nonaggressive ways of coping with them.

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Moreover, one can use symbolic models to alter children’s hyper-aggressive reactions to frustration, replacing them with cooperative, constructive behavior in the same circumstances.

For example, using a playlet involving the conflict of two boys over a wagon, the aggressive solution depicts a fight over the wagon during which the wagon is broken.

The cooperative solution involves the two boys taking turns to play with the wagon and obviously, enjoying themselves as they play.

Assertive training can also help an aggressive person curb his aggressive tendencies. In this case, behavior marked by appropriate expression of feeling is encouraged.

Point out that belligerent and offensive behavior is non-assertive. Take particular pains to convince the client that taking his way through interpersonal difficulties is not a sign of a lack of masculinity.

Let him know that, whereas physical aggression might have been an effective way of handling problems in the past, such is no longer the case.

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Stress the fact that assertiveness can lead only to interpersonal failure and even confinement to prison.

Another way of treating aggressiveness in children is to use parents called” social engineering” technology using a study of 4 to 12 years old with a multiple behavior target.

The focus of their treatment was to teach the parents to function as social engineers. Each of the interventions applied conventional behavior modification strategies; the treatment process took place in the home and was administered by the family members. Parents are here trained to reward compliance with directions from parents.

This would be a very helpful method because when once parents can help their children behave well at home, such children will Carry this good behavior to the outside world.

Some people advocate for the use of punishment to treat aggressive behavior. This may depend on the situation and the type of aggressiveness shown.

As rightly observed, some problem behaviors may be exacerbated by the use of punishment. Certain aggressive responses for which punishment might well be seen as counter-aggression, thus increasing subsequent aggression should be avoided.

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Conclusively, these techniques could work if handled properly by a therapist It is better to treat aggressive behavior with care and sympathy instead of using ‘fire ‘or any violent means.

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