10 Businesses You Can Start with Zero Capital

10 Businesses With Zero Capital Demand
10 Businesses You Can Start with Zero Capital is aimed at bringing to your perusal the businesses you…

10 Businesses You Can Start with Zero Capital is aimed at bringing to your perusal the businesses you could engage in with zero capital demand.

10 Businesses With Zero Capital Demand

Low-cost Business Ideas with high profit

Top 10 most successful businesses to start

10 Businesses You Can Start with Zero Capital
10 Businesses You Can Start with Zero Capital – Photo Source: https://moneyexcel.com

10 Businesses With Zero Capital Demand in Nigeria:

  1. Car Wash Service
  2. Private Fitness Trainer
  3. Event Planner
  4. Make-up and Hairstyling
  5. Tutoring
  6. Repair of Household Appliances and Office Equipment
  7. Beekeeping
  8. Embroidery Making
  9. Sales of Wastes and Overdue Products
  10. Dropshipping

Becoming an entrepreneur is no longer a tough idea today via the availability of information. Most people wish to be an entrepreneur but, capital has been a big embargo on achieving this dream.

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This is because most businesses today require huge capital for setup. Nevertheless, Information is power! With the availability of information/knowledge, you can set up a business and be an entrepreneur.

All these businesses require is the technical know-how that you can acquire via information and you are good to go.

Most of us have gifts embedded in us but still fail to utilize these gifts in fetching income for ourselves. Always remember that your gift is your lift.

All you need to thrive well in the Nigerian market is to ensure that you have what to deliver and learn to improve on what you know.

This is because the market is growing more competitive every day.  You could easily conduct your research and build your capacity in these fields. Then, you are good to go.

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Businesses you can Start with Zero Capital:

1. Car Wash Service

There is only zero capital demand for starting a car washing service. You also don’t need to employ anyone. You start yourself.

All you need to do is tell people about your services and ensure your charges are low compared to car wash stations.

You can walk into hotels, compounds, and gatherings to tell people about your service. They’ll give you a try and from there you move on.

All you need is water, light soap, and foam to scrub vehicles. After a while, you establish a car washstand and become an employer of labor.

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2. Private Fitness Trainer

If you are good at exercises and gym activities, or you have an interest in this and can dedicate your time to learning more about it, this is a good one for you.

You can tell people about your services and help tutor people and engage in fitness training to keep fit.

You help them burn down fat, lose weight, and become smarter. By doing this, you are earning and delivering your services and this too has a zero capital demand.

3. Event Planner

You can offer to organize events such as birthdays, weddings, burials, anniversaries, and lots more.

Here, you are to organize an event hall, decorations, musical performance, catering services, drinks, etc. to bring about the success of the party.

You should possess good organizational skills, analytical skills, and excellent interpersonal skills to do well. This also has zero capital demand.

4. Make-up and Hairstyling

Make-up artists and hairstylists have always been and will always be in high demand. Therefore, if you are gifted in this field or willing to develop and take this as a career, it’s a good one.

It has zero capital demand and you don’t need to bother yourself looking for money to rent and set up a shop. You could render home services and liaise with hotels.

By doing this, they can call you whenever there is a guest that needs your service and you earn your money. All you need to do is to keep improving yourself and tell people about what you do.

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5. Tutoring

Having vast knowledge in mathematics, English language, foreign languages, physics, biology and lots more is another medium of making money.

You can become a tutor. Your tutor for cogent exams such as

WAEC, JAMB, NABTEB, etc. This also has a zero capital demand and you don’t need to look for funds.

You can do home services and later on advance into being the director of your professional coaching/tutoring center.

6. Repair of Household Appliances and Office Equipment

You can go to clients’ homes and offices to help fix up, test-run, and service household appliances/office equipment.

Household appliances such as electric kettle, microwave, kitchen oven, refrigerator, etc. office equipment such as printers, photocopiers, scanners, etc.

When you are good, they’ll always call you for more services and introduce you to more people. To be on top of the game, you need to build your capacity from time to time. Doing this has zero capital demand.

7. Beekeeping

People do not always trust the quality of honey from shops/roadside sellers. Therefore, beekeeping is another lucrative enterprise that has zero capital demand for setup. Beekeeping, also known as Apiculture is the keeping and maintenance of bees in hives to collect their honey for sale.

8. Embroidery Making

If you can knit, make embroidery using a needle to apply thread/beads on fabrics, and are very creative, this is a very good one for you.

You start this enterprise with your own dresses. When you appear lovely, people tend to ask where you got it from. Then, you switch the opportunity to introduce your services to them. Before you know it, your services would be needed all over because everyone wants to look good.

9. Sales of Wastes and Overdue Products

You can offer to get waste such as bread, rice, etc. for farmers to feed their livestock. You patronize event halls, hotels, bread factories, cassava mills, and lots more to get the products and become a regular supplier to farmers. You need zero capital to get this done.

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10. Dropshipping

This is a supply chain management model in which, you sell goods that you don’t have. You act as an intermediary between the supplier of a good/service and the customer.

The supplier pays you and you also stand to earn from the customer by adding to the price of the commodity. This is more of a transaction.

You could cover a range of demands such as housing, sales of land/leasing, phone, laptops, television, gym services, hotel reservations, and lots more. This has zero capital demand.

We hope this was helpful!

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