How to Write a Resume – 8 Steps

How to Write a Resume – 8 Steps is given in this article and we hope you find it educative and able to meet the demands of your research.

How to Write a Resume 

How to Write a Resume
How to Write a Resume – Photo Source:

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Jobs are scarce and every application needs to present himself or herself in a way that gives them better chances.

One way to be outstanding and stay on top of the competition is to have a great resume. What is a resume?

A resume is a document that contains a person’s career history and professional history, certification and educational qualifications, skills, and achievements.

It gives the employer an insight into where you began, where you are now, and where you plan to be in the nearest future.

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A resume is what is popularly called a Curriculum Vitae (CV). It is what makes the first contact with the employer.

Every potential employee is required to attach one to their application and so all job seekers need to know how to write a resume that will give them an edge over a lot of job seekers.

It is for this reason that has taken the time to write this article, which would be a guide to all our readers who are looking to apply for a job now or in the nearest future. The paragraphs that follow will state the steps to writing an impeccable resume.

1. First of all, you have to choose the right format. There are many formats available on the internet which would apply to your specific career stage and career type.

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Examples of these formats include; student resume format, entry-level resume format, internship format, etc. You must be careful to choose the one which is applicable to you.

2. Include your contact information and personal details such as your email address, phone number, home address, mailbox details, and LinkedIn address, right after stating your name. This is very important and must not be left out.

3. You need to write a CV summary. This is a three to four sentences summary of your professional history, your aspirations, and how you want to achieve them. It must be short and succinct. This is usually called a Resume Summary or Resume Objective.

4. Make a list of your work experiences & major achievements that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

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If you are applying to be an editor in a publishing company, you don’t need to say you won the dancer of the year award in secondary school but you could include that you were the vice president of the press club in secondary school and you worked on the editorial board of the press in your teenage years.

5. List Your Educational qualifications from the most recent one. Talk about your certifications and the professional courses you have taken. Also, include the dates.

6. At this point, you are required to Put Relevant Skills that Fit the Job you are applying for. A person applying for a customer service job can include politeness and patience with difficult people and good communication skills as part of his or her skills.

7. You might need to complement your resume with a cover letter. Cover letters usually include the reasons why you will be the best fit for a certain job.

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8. The final step is to edit, proofread, save and send Your CV the right Way. Sometimes, you may be required to submit it in hardcopy, at other times as an email attachment. Always follow those specific instructions.

Good luck!

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