About Borno State

Basic Things to Know About Borno State
About Borno State has some basic facts you may need to know about the State. Basal Historical and…

About Borno State has some basic facts you may need to know about the State. Basal Historical and present-day verities of the State are incorporated herein.

Facts About Borno State

News About Borno State

About Borno State
About Borno State – Photo Source: http://www.elixir.com.ng

Borno State which is located in the northeastern part of Nigeria was created on 3 February 1976. It has its capital seat in Maiduguri. Until 1991, Yobe state was a part of the State. The state is nicknamed Home of Peace.

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Kanuri People are the predominant ethnic group in Borno. The other ethnic groups are Lamang, Marghi, and Babur/Bura which are in the southern part of the state. The present-day Kanemi dynasty of the state gained control in the early part of the 19th century. This was after the Fulani jihad of Usman dan Fodio.

Borno State was invaded by the British, German, and French in the early 20th century after it was conquered by Rabin in 1893 in 1902, the British incorporated Borno officially into Northern Nigeria Protectorate, and a new capital was established in Maiduguri or Yerwa in the year 1907 which till present day remain the capital seat of the state.

The State is bordered by the Republics of Niger to the North, by Chad to the North-East, and by Cameroun to the East. It is in the North-Eastern corner of Nigeria and occupies a bigger part of the Chad Basin

In Nigeria, Borno State is bounded by Adamawa State to the South, by Gombe State to the West, and by Yobe State to the North-West.

The major religion in Borno State is Islam and Sharia is held valid. The minor one is Christianity.

Governor Kashim Shettima is the present Governor of Borno State and he is Deputized by Usman Mamman Durkwa both from the All Progressive Congress (APC).

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Local Government Areas in Borno State

Borno State has a total of 27 Local Government Areas as follows:

  1. Maiduguri
  2. Ngala
  3. Kala/Balge
  4. Mafa
  5. Konduga
  6. Bama
  7. Jere
  8. Dikwa
  9. Askira/Uba
  10. Bayo
  11. Biu
  12. Chibok
  13. Damboa
  14. Gwoza
  15. Hawul
  16. Kwaya Kusar
  17. Shani
  18. Abadam
  19. Gubio
  20. Guzamala
  21. Kaga
  22. Kukawa
  23. Magumeri
  24. Marte
  25. Mobbar
  26. Monguno
  27. Nganzai

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University, Polytechnic, Colleges of Education and Institutes in Borno State

  1. University of Maiduguri
  2. Ramat Polytechnic,
  3. Borno College of Education
  4. Borno College of Science and Technology
  5. Borno College of Legal and Islamic Studies (BOCOLIS)
  6. Borno College of Agriculture
  7. Federal Staff Training Centre, Maiduguri

We hope this was helpful!

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