Agricultural Registers and their meanings

Agricultural Registers and their meanings are listed and explicated in this article. We hope you find this helpful and informative.

Agricultural Registers and their meanings

Agricultural Registers and their meanings
Agricultural Registers and their meanings – Photo Source:

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Advanced Agriculture: a style of agriculture that brings in science and technology for the production, processing, storing, and marketing of agricultural products.

Anther: this is a part of the flower that stores the needed pollen for fertilization

Artificial: Anything on the farm that is made by man.

Barn: This is where tuber crops are stored on the farm

Carbohydrates: A source of food and energy for animals and man which contains a lot of sugar and starch.

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Cereal: These are grains of grasses such as wheat, rice, or oats.

Compound leaf; a leaf with more than one leaflet on the same leaf stalk.

Crop: a term used in place of plants.

Cultivation: This is the process of making the soil ready for the planting of crops.

Domesticated: a term used for animals that have been brought under control and are not wild.

Economic empowerment; is a situation where agriculture is used in order to provide money to buy other necessities of life.

Export: This is the act of selling out agricultural products to another country.

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Fertile: this is a situation when the soil has the means or ability to produce crops when planted on it; fertile soil is naturally rich with all the materials that the soil may need for adequate germination.

Fertilization: This is the process of making something very fertile for example, adding chemicals or organic fertilizer to the soil to improve its quality.

Forage crops: These are crops that are grown to be used for food for cattle and other livestock.

Germinate: This means to grow or cause something to grow.

Grading: This is the process of selecting the produce of agriculture based on their sizes, shapes, purity, and other factors in order to ensure high-quality standards.

Harvest: this is the gathering of crops that are fully matured and ripened.

Higher Plants: These are plants that are multicellular and are highly developed and also possess a complex structure.

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Humidity: This is the amount of water in the air at a particular point in time.

Import: Bringing in goods from outside the country.

Insecticides: these are chemicals that are used by the farmer to destroy insects that are pests.

Irrigation: this is a method of bringing in water through artificial canals and ditches to the areas on the farmland which do not have water.

Legumes: this is a plant that has so many pods (for example, peas, and beans).

Livestock: this often refers to animals that are kept and reared for agricultural purposes.

Mineral Salt: These are particles in the soil that are needed for the good growth of plants.

Note: This is the place on the stem of a plant from which the leaves grow.

Organic: This is formed from living things. Organic fertilizers are usually formed from the waste products of animals.

Photosynthesis: This is the process by which green plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide which is taken from the air and water into plant food.

Processing: these are the changes that are made to agricultural products before they are finally sold or consumed.

Propagate: to reproduce a line of animals or plants through breeding and reproduction.

Stigma: This is the part of the flower that revived the pollen in the process of pollination.

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Stomata: These are the pores in the outer layer of cells of a leaf that controls the passage of gasses in and out of the plant.

Tillers: these are shoots that arise from the base of a stem.

Tubers: these are fleshy underground stems or roots e.g. Potatoes, cassava, yam, etc.

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