Importance of NGOs in Nigeria

Importance of NGOs in Nigeria are listed herein. This is to correct the wrong impression that NGOs are…

Importance of NGOs in Nigeria are listed herein. This is to correct the wrong impression that NGOs are for the owners’ interests.

The Importance of NGO

The Importance of NGO in Nigeria
The Importance of NGO in Nigeria – Photo Source:

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NGO is an acronym representing “Non-Governmental Organization” it is any non-profit, voluntary citizens’ group that is organized on a local, national or international level.

The establishment of NGOs is generally for non-profit activities. There are services people render voluntarily to society. The aim of such services is to meet needs and solve problems in society.

In today’s society, we are faced with a lot of problems. Most of these problems are caused by natural disasters, and manmade disasters, while others are non-governmental problems (psychological problems).

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Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are set up by individuals or a group of people to help resolve these problems. Note, there are two types of NGOs. The registered/non-registered NGOs.

You can start an NGO without registration and as it begins to grow and meet the needs of your community, you register it.

The government may have the capacity to do many things, but definitely, not everything, despite its might. NGOs exist to undertake humanity-driven intervention projects, thus helping to fill the gap and strike the balance with the government’s efforts to provide social amenities and services.

NGOs are necessitated by an identified problem or need of the people in the environment. In setting out, they find out the causes, effects, and possible solutions to these problems, thus the passion and burden are ignited for the particular problem identified.

Some NGOs operating in Nigeria include the Initiative for Community Development, The Nigerian Foundation, Africa Initiative for Education and Economic Development, Grace Centre, Pathfinder International, Poverty Alleviation for the Poor Initiative, Foundation for Promotion of Good Health.

NGOs render a variety of services and humanitarian functions, advocate and monitor policies, bring citizens’ concerns to governments, and encourage political participation through the provision of information.

Some are established to undertake other responsibilities in areas like education, healthcare, public policy, social, human rights, environment, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives of establishment.

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Some of the specific issues NGOs are organized around include:

  • Developing rural communities,
  • Encouraging social responsibility,
  • Microfinancing,
  • Agricultural development,
  • Supporting human welfare,
  • Supporting the poor and so on.

NGOs in Nigeria have helped in a number of ways, like providing analysis and expertise, serving as early warning mechanisms, and helping to monitor and implement international agreements.

The relationship of NGOs with offices and agencies of the United Nations (UN) system varies depending on their goals, their venue, and the mandate of a particular institution.

The Importance of NGOs in Nigeria

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In different areas of endeavor, here is The Importance of NGOs in Nigeria:

1. The work of NGOs in Nigeria in project management

NGOs in Nigeria have helped to serve as intermediaries between the government and foreign bodies such as United Nations, USAID’s, World Bank, and other foreign donor groups, to the executive project, especially in areas such as healthcare, poverty alleviation, infrastructural development, etc.

2. The work of NGOs in Nigeria in the Educational Sector

There are several NGOs in Nigeria whose work is particularly about resurrecting the educational standards in the country. They are involved in school tours, to sensitize students on academic success and the provision of educational materials.

Some go as far as providing scholarships for indigent students. For areas where education is discouraged, they delve in to encourage campaigns for the importance of education. In some places, NGOs take up such projects to improve the infrastructure of school facilities.

3. The work of NGOs in Nigeria in the Health Sector

From time to time, people volunteer to under health sensitization programs aimed at promoting the health of communities.

They are also NGOs that are established for the provision of primary healthcare to rural dwellers. Most of them receive donations from foreign bodies which help them to embark on such projects. There are NGOs who work hand-in-hand with hospitals to assist in providing adequate healthcare.

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4. The work of NGOs in Nigeria in Poverty Alleviation

Nigeria through a rich country is predominantly populated with poor citizens. A greater part of Nigerians lives below the poverty line as set by the United Nations.

With predominant poverty and suffering, even government policies have left some citizens out of the reach of their poverty alleviation programs, hence, necessitating the work of some NGOs who work to ensure the poverty gap is closed to a large extent.

The importance of NGOs in Nigeria is immense and cannot be overemphasized. They play a great role in supporting the government’s efforts and policies for the betterment of society.

There you have the Importance of NGOs in Nigeria. We hope it was enlightening!

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