How To Handle A Difficult Interviewer

How to handle a difficult interviewer is discussed in this article. We hope you find the article helpful for your research and studies.

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How To Handle A Difficult Interviewer
How To Handle A Difficult Interviewer – Photo Source:

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One of the most rewarding skills that students should be made to acquire in several institutions such as universities or colleges universally in the course of helping interviewers is how to handle different types of interview personnel.

Research shows that in the course of their interviews, applicants are likely to come across different types of interviewers who may consist of various exhibitions of human behaviors and characters ranging from the display of offensive to pleasant behaviors such as talkative and opinionated, inattentive, over-friendly to captive type who is a victim of the over-talkative and assertive candidate.

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This particular skill if acquired can save the candidate lots of embarrassment and disappointment when attending interviews especially when one is exposed to certain interview questions which may necessarily have little or nothing to do with the applicant’s field of study or area of interest.

What can be said finally about a job interview is that, based on available evidence, employers prefer applicants with a pleasant personality just like the interview’s personality, a strong desire to get on in life, high intelligence, a good academic record, and a clear definition of the type of work the person wants. This defines the interest of the interview.

The applicant should portray a good personality. During every interview session, the interviewer looks critically at the personality of the interviewee to know which is suitable for instance it is believed that the appearance of a banker is a reflection of the bank.

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The personality could range from the applicant’s appearance and the tone of his or her speech. The applicant should show the interviewer a strong desire for success especially if the applicant is asked what he or she can do to move the company or the organization forward.

The applicant should be very optimistic and factual and should avoid assumptions since the business world is rather factual and realistic.

The applicant can handle a difficult interviewer by trusting himself or herself to be best suitable for the job. This can be done by portraying high concentration to questions asked and having high intelligence. When questions are asked the interviewer should not say he does not understand as this is unacceptable.

On the other hand, as an interactive process, the way the interviewer frames his or her questions also affects the interviewee’s answer, which in turn affects his or her questions. This is intentionally done to test how smart the interviewee is and possibly his or her level of understanding.

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Therefore, where the interviewer or interviewees are inadequately trained, the whole process can get into a vicious circle.

However, where the interviewer has not been properly trained, the interviewee who has passed through counseling interview can or should be able to help him, and hopefully turn the whole process in his or her favor.

The sum total of all that has been said, is that getting a job is fraught with difficulties because different organizations use different recruitment strategies.

This is why it is considered, as we have already stated, that luck plays an important role in it, but one’s luck could be maximized through adequate preparation before leaving school.

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